August 22, 2020
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: What a round today. Can you talk about how you played and the conditions out there?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: To be honest, I don't really remember my round so much because I feel like every shot that I play today is just very challenging. I mean, the whole week is very challenging because of the weather and the wind. Just trying to hit my best shot out there and get up-and-down and make some putts.
Well, yesterday, I remember hole No. 2. It's a full driver on a tee and I hit it about 175 yards with this wind and I hit another 3-wood and still had 35 yards. I mean, with this course, you can't really expect good rounds every day, but I'm just here trying my best.
THE MODERATOR: You look like you're having a lot of fun, are you enjoying the challenges that links brings in?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, I think just because over the year, I felt like I had been learning a lot and understand my own game. So I'm just out here trying to hit my shots and play my own games and just don't really look at the leaderboard at all. Just kind of feel like, oh, I make par, I make birdie, I make some good shots, and that's pretty much it. When the ball doesn't go where you want it to go, it's just you have to be okay with that, too.
THE MODERATOR: So you're a two-time winner on the LPGA, so you must really like your position going into Sunday.
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yes, but I don't really want to pressure myself. Just try to treat it like a normal tournament or a normal round of golf tomorrow. Just play my own game and we'll see the result come out. Like I don't want to put pressure on myself. You know, just have fun with golf tomorrow.
THE MODERATOR: If at the start of the week or ahead of coming over to the U.K., would you have thought this was going to be the position -- did you think, oh, I'm good at links golf? Did you fear it or how did you feel.
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Well, first of all, like because we had five months, six months off, and we did not come close to play in the links course or windy conditions, so funny thing is I talk to my caddie and said that, what if I come here two weeks and miss the cut.
She's like, you'll be okay; but what if I miss the cut? I'm just happy to be here and just have fun with my caddie and just -- she just make fun of me that, why do you say that, like, you know. So just be grateful to be here and playing this tournament and very happy that I'm really happy that you guys, AIG and everybody here, R&A, can make this possible for us with the COVID stuff. Just very grateful. Thank you.
Q. Curious what you did over the break. Were you able to play much golf or what did you do?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: To be honest, right after I come back from Australia, I actually like order right away the mat and the net so I can hit it in the garage. After that, I've been taking off golf for a while, like maybe a month, and been playing Call of Duty. So I've been playing a lot of games, and hit balls in garage, and putting at home and just kind of very chill. Very chill. Even though like some of the golf course around my house still open, but I feel like, I don't want to take a chance, so I just wait a little bit and like wait a little bit to come out and practise. Maybe like two months before we come back here, I practise like almost every day.
Q. Do you feel like that helped you mentally, kind of a refresher?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, definitely. I feel like golf can take it a lot from you like mentally. The first year or two, I just -- everything golf and golf and one of my friends say like, yeah, you need to take your mind off from golf. It's just too much golf and kind of like make yourself not healthy if you think about golf too much.
Right now, I'm playing Call of Duty every day maybe. So after this, I'm probably going to go back to hotel, chilling and eat and then Call of Duty and bed.
Q. Are you good at it?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Okay. I don't think I'm good because I just started on like maybe three months ago and I just started so compared to people that play for years, I'm not that good but have fun about. It a lot of players and caddies on the Tour play Call of Duty play it, too. We call and talk about it. It's funny to be out here and talk about games, golf.
Q. Who else plays with you?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Caddie for Tiffany Jo. Matt Green who caddie for her caddie -- and a bunch of caddies. Like maybe ten, 20 of them I think.
Q. When did you grow to like links golf, or did you like it right away?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I'm not sure if I like it right away but feel like since I'm playing on Tour for a while and you kind of learn on the links course, me and my caddie just judging the distance with the wind and everything pretty good, so we had a lot of chance to be on the green. I just try to learn some of the low shots and my chipping was there and hopefully my putter was good. But to be honest, I don't really, you know, expect anything. Just want to play my game and have fun tomorrow.
THE MODERATOR: Which do you think you practise more, Call of Duty or golf?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Well, I come out here, you know it's so windy, so you don't want to mentally stress about it, so I'll be here for like an hour. Maybe like more than golf.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
