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August 9, 2020

Bryson DeChambeau

San Francisco, California, USA

Harding Park Golf Club

Flash Quotes

JOHN DEVER: Good afternoon. Welcome back to the 2020 PGA Championship here at TPC Harding Park. Pleased to be joined by Bryson DeChambeau. Bryson posted a terrific 4-under 66 today. He finishes the championship at 10-under.

Bryson, you made numerous, multiple surges right to the top. You'd get there, maybe even for a hole or two, and then another birdie from another player or an untimely bogey there. Did you just not get that kick into overdrive you were looking for all day today?

BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Yeah, nothing -- there was a few moments where I kind of got a spur of momentum, and look, I played great golf this whole week, and you know, finally was able to finish in the top ten, top five I hope in a major, and that's an awesome accolade, and next step is to win. I feel like my game is good enough.

This week, a couple drives, a couple putts, a couple iron shots; that's golf, right. And so I'm just proud of the way I handled myself, and that I was able to still keep executing when times got tough, and kept my head up high.

Q. Talking to Jason Day about this, he played a great round on Sunday, major Sunday. Is it a case where so many guys were bunched in that someone was going to do something special and kind of pop free?

BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Yeah, I think so.

It was bunched and somebody had to pull away, and that was going to be kind of it, I thought, and that's what Collin's doing right now. It's one of those things that I had plenty of opportunities to do that this week and I didn't do it, for multiple reasons, golf-swing related issues, iron play issues. Just a couple shots that added up over the course of the week.

I mean, I could name off -- I'm sure everybody could, too, as well, right, and that's the way we all look at it, right, because we always want to try to improve. So I'll look at some of the shots I didn't execute properly and try and figure out why that stuff happened and maybe figure something out that'll help me not have that happen next time. I did get nervous out there. It's a major, right, first time being in a major near the lead. You know just a couple drives didn't go my way.

Like I say, I was still able to recover and someone needed to punch out in front, and that's what Collin is doing.

Q. What does a week like this do to validate all the work you've put in?

BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: It's super validating. I don't know how else to put it. Very excited for the future for me. Look, my driving I think is only going to get stronger and farther, golf-course-dependent, obviously.

But I hope in due time there's going to be an advantage that's out there that, you know, hopefully -- I don't know how else to put it in a nicer way, but gives me a really distinct advantage that helps me win a lot out here. I feel like my putting is good enough. I just have to improve the irons and wedges a little bit, and clearly, like on the last hole, wedge didn't do what I wanted to do, and just keep with the driving and hopefully I'll be right there every time.

Q. What were your earliest memories of playing against Collin and what do you like about his game?

BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU: Well, first off, he's an incredible ball-striker, great human being, too. First memory I think was at a Western Am, Rich Harvest Farms, I believe, and obviously unbelievable ball-striker. Seeing him play pretty well growing up and contending for some titles, and that's kind of my earliest memory. We didn't really have too many interactions. I was in a different time period than him.

But he's clearly an unbelievable ball-striker, and something that I envy and hopefully I can get there one day.

JOHN DEVER: Bryson, we appreciate all week long you've been great. We appreciate it.

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