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August 8, 2020

Victor Perez

San Francisco, California, USA

Harding Park Golf Club

Flash Quotes

JOHN DEVER: Good afternoon. Welcome back to the 2020 PGA Championship here at TPC Harding Park. Pleased to be joined by Victor Perez, 1-under today, 2-under for the Championship. Looking at your record, this is some of the best golf you've played, are you rounding into form.

VICTOR PEREZ: Yes, of course I think it was just the time off since THE PLAYERS and going back home to Scotland, being therefore, whatever, eight, nine weeks and come back really rusty, just mind wasn't quite right, game wasn't quite right, just took a few events. Took about, you know, about the same amount of time I was off to get back but obviously the game feels better.

I feel like mentally, I thought it was really good yesterday to close out the second round. I was just kind of on the line the whole day and played fine but didn't get anything going. It was nice to finish it off but obviously played well today. Just tough conditions to shoot a low one.

JOHN DEVER: Thanks for stopping by. Good luck tomorrow. Play well again.

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