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June 26, 2020

Kevin Na

Cromwell, Connecticut

Q. Kevin, how would you assess your round out there today?
KEVIN NA: I played pretty good today. These early mornings are tough. You've got to wake up so early. But I putted pretty well. I hit some great shots in there.

I got a little unlucky on the par-5, 13. I had a ball that landed on the green and rolled back in the water and made bogey, but besides that, I'm pretty happy.

Q. How has the back been since Colonial?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I tweaked my back a week before Colonial, struggled at Colonial, and then I didn't play last week. It's still not great. This morning it was really stiff. It was tough. But afternoons are a little bit easier. I got a little more time to loosen up. The guys in the physio trailer have been very helpful. But it's a work in process.

Q. How are the conditions out there today? Obviously I think the morning wave maybe got a little bit calmer conditions yesterday. Did you find it that way today?
KEVIN NA: Yes, yesterday afternoon got a little breezy, this morning was nice and calm. The greens were receptive. It got a little -- I don't want to say firm, but it got a little bit of run-out yesterday afternoon.

Q. A couple guys said the wind was kind of swirling a little bit today. Did you find it the same way?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, it was bouncing a little bit here and there, just the direction wasn't consistent. But Kenny and I, I think, did a pretty good job of keeping the distance right and keeping it somewhere near pin high.

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