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March 7, 2020
Greensboro, North Carolina
Florida State - 62, Louisville - 60
THE MODERATOR: It's my pleasure to introduce Florida State head coach Sue Semrau as well as student-athlete Nausia Woolfolk. Coach?
SUE SEMRAU: Proud of the way our team battled. Louisville is an excellent team. After going up there and pulling out a win I knew they would come out with a lot of fire. They did, but we matched it. I'm proud of my seniors. They are something else.
They were not going to be denied today. You saw Nausia go down. I thought she might be out. You saw Kiah go down. We're still looking into her.
But they battled, and I'm guessing, yeah, that we won the rebounding battle and that was huge. I'm just really, really proud of them. Ready for tomorrow.
Q. Coach, what was the thinking? You went more than 6 minutes without scoring in the fourth quarter. What was the team mindset at that point?
SUE SEMRAU: We thought we would let them come back, you know, and spot 'em a couple points. I mean, what do you mean. What's your thinking? They played great defense. It's a battle! You gotta play on the defensive end and sometimes when you don't score you don't defend and that wasn't our team today. We defended like crazy.
Q. Nausia, you hit some key free throws down the stretch. Talk about this atmosphere in this game.
NAUSIA WOOLFOLK: I think the team as well as myself, we like competition. Louisville is a team that always bring it so at the end of the game the mindset was do anything you can do to help the team win, concentrate on the free throw line, making sure the team's head is in the game and at the free throw line they were 8 for 9 and that was a key win to the game.
Q. Coach, for Kourtney to come off the bench and hit the two free throws and steal the in-bounds afterwards what can you say about her impact?
SUE SEMRAU: If you say saw her play yesterday you know she's coming into her own. She looked at me with wide eyes like it's me! I trust her so much at the free throw line and in the game. I'm proud of her, back-to-back really good games.
Q. Let me restate that.
Q. What was the team mindset at that point when you're down and you haven't scored in so long? What are you telling your team at that point?
SUE SEMRAU: It's what we've told them all year: Defense travels. Sometimes the ball doesn't go through the net. It's a lot easier to defend when you see that thing go through the net. This team didn't have to see that. They turned around and didn't hang their heads, they came down and they knew that they needed to get a stop.
We talked about just there's going to be a lot of things that come at us, okay? We had to bring every weapon. We brought every weapon we had today. They're a tough team to beat.
Q. The big three-pointer, they had been defending her very well all game. How do you think she got open all of the sudden?
SUE SEMRAU: Did you see the last play of the half? Sammie does that and the next look she gets it's going to be a dagger. It's a hard game. To see shooters all the time, all places, I mean, we left shook open a couple times where she had a couple threes. It happens. Just really proud of Sammie as a freshman in that situation to knock it down.
Q. Nausia, you guys have beaten Louisville twice this season. What has been the key?
NAUSIA WOOLFOLK: Locking in, making sure you know personnel and staying focused. I think it was harder for us today just wanting to get to the championship and today it was lay your heart on the line and that's what we did. It wasn't about scouting, leave it on the floor forget everything and just play and that's what we did.
THE MODERATOR: Congratulations.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
