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February 27, 2020
Doha, Qatar
G. MUGURUZA/D. Yastremska
6-2, 6-4
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Can you just talk through the match, what do you think was the difference in terms of getting that done in two sets and it got a little bit tighter in the end of the second there.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I think staying with her all the time, you know, she hits a lot of strong shots, some of them go in, some of them go out sometimes. So I felt that I was very solid with my game and it was working since the beginning.
And at the end of the second set, as always, at the end of the match sometimes it gets tougher. She was playing better at that moment and I just kept fighting the same way and luckily I could close it in two sets.
Q. It seemed like you got a lot of, you had a lot of success going kind of into her, kind of more body balls, body serves, it seemed like it was harder for her to get out of the way on those. Was that a tactic that you went in with or was that something that you kind of saw happening through the match and kind of stuck with it?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, well since it was working you don't want to change anything. But I just felt like that's kind of part of my game, to attack, to go forward, especially with the wind today it was a little tricky, some balls were unexpectedly short, some of them long.
So happy with how I handle a very long waiting until today's match and just cold and windy and having a girl that she can play very well.
Q. It was windy for most of the day and I presume that for you, having to wait all that time and seeing how the matches were playing out in the wind, it can risk playing with someone's head before they go out on the court. So did it actually help you to kind of see that and think about how I'm going to handle the wind or was it a little bit adding the stress before the match?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I just knew it was going to be windy so I didn't get crazy about it. When I woke up I saw that the palm trees were almost twisted, so I was like, good that I'm playing later, maybe I'm lucky and I don't have as much of wind, because this morning it was super windy.
So, I mean, it's same for other ones, if it's tough for me, it's tough for her too.
Q. And then looking ahead to playing Ash tomorrow, can you talk through that matchup and what do you make of her kind of rise over the last 12 months to be a major champion and world No. 1?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, I think she for sure step it up. I think she's very talented, she's holding in that spot for a long time.
So I think it's great for me to be able to play the world No. 1, I'm excited, it's going to be a good match, that's the matches that I'm looking for and that means that I'm still here and I'm still in the quarterfinals.
Q. Maria Sharapova announced her retirement today. I was just wondering what your thoughts were on that and just your thoughts on kind of what it was like to be on tour with her and what it was like to compete against her.
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, I mean she was a tough competitor. We played many times. She holds a better record against me, but, yeah, I think she was one of the tennis stars out there. And as normal time, it's time for her, she must feel like, okay, my life is going to do another step in another direction.
And it's good. I feel it's normal. For sure she has a lot of trophies at her home, so, yeah, she's going to do something different.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
