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February 20, 2020

Abraham Ancer

Mexico City, Mexico

Q. Those aren't easy birdies at 16 and 17, are they?
ABRAHAM ANCER: I know. This golf course is tough, man. It's very tricky. I like it a lot. I think it can defend itself with the altitude, the greens, the tee shots. It's a lot of factors that make it really tough. But I love it. It's a really good test.

Yeah, not a great start, but stayed patient and battled back, and then at the end I was just grinding for pars. I felt like I was hitting it good, but I just couldn't really put the ball in the right spots. Yeah, it was not a great start, but it's not bad.

Q. You were in a good position at 9, your closing hole, and all the fans cheering; what's that like to have all the fans here in Mexico cheering for you?
ABRAHAM ANCER: I know, I'm dying to make every putt for them. It's tough. These greens are really tough to make putts on. But the people are absolutely phenomenal. They're along every single hole out there cheering me on. It doesn't matter if I make birdie, eagle or triple. They're still right behind me, so it's really nice.

Q. It makes it also special this week to get a chance to reunite with Valeria from the First Tee. Tell me about that experience.
ABRAHAM ANCER: That was really cool. I mean, the First Tee was really fresh last year. It was something that was very new, and just to see that many kids that quick was really -- something really, really cool, and I connected with her, and that was the first time I interacted with somebody from the First Tee Mexico, which is really cool, and now to see her back, still practicing, still with the First Tee really inspired me. Grupo Salinas, they're trying everything they can to grow the game in Mexico, and I wanted to put a little bit of my part, and hopefully we can grow the game a little bit more.

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