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January 27, 2020

Rafael Nadal

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

R. NADAL/N. Kyrgios

6-3, 3-6, 7-6, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Nick was on his best behavior today. As a consequence, made it a very entertaining match. Do you think when Nick concentrates, he can be a force in this game if he cuts out the antics?
RAFAEL NADAL: I answered you this question two days ago. I don't change my mind.

When he wants to play tennis, when he's focused on what he's doing, I think he's a very important player for our sport because he has a big talent. Yeah, he's one of these players that can be very, very interesting for the crowd.

I am never against his way or style to play. When I criticize him in the past is because I think he did a couple of things that are not right and are not the right image for our sport and for the kids. But when he's doing the right things, I am the first one who support this.

Personally I saw him playing during the whole tournament almost every match, and he has been great, with very positive attitude. Personally, I like to watch him play when he's doing that way. I think everybody likes to watch Nick plays when he's able to play like this.

His talent is to be one of the best of the world, without a doubt, with good chances to fight for every tournament.

Q. You've played him quite a few times now. Did he do anything different today, anything that you didn't expect?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I try to do my game. Of course, there is a couple of things that you always try to make that happen.

I think I have been playing well. Is always the same thing: when we have been playing rallies, I feel more or less on control of the point, no? I think I played well from the baseline, changing directions, changing rhythms, playing aggressive with my forehand and backhand.

The problem is when he's serving, you don't have many chances. He has a big serve, so you are under pressure the whole match. That's the story about playing against the big servers, especially Nick, that is a big server. Is a very good player from the baseline, too. So you're under pressure during the whole match.

But honestly, has been a very positive match for me. Happy about the victory. Has been a great victory against a great opponent, and I'm through to the quarterfinals. That's a good start.

Q. What are some of the things you felt you needed to do tactically in this match?
RAFAEL NADAL: What I had to do is play my best tennis. When I go on court, you can try to think about a couple of things, but at the end what really matters is to play well. I know if I am playing my tennis and I am able to do it well, probably I going to have my chances. If not, will be much more difficult.

Of course, there is a couple of things, my position on the return have been farther than usual, a lot of meter behind the baseline. We tried to put more balls in.

Anyway, as I said before, you can analyze the match in terms of I know today the forehand down the line have been an important shot for me. I knew before the match start, something we spoke, that is important to hit the forehand down the line but with the right determination. I think I did.

Then, as I said before, the problem is always creating opportunities. Have been a key moment in the first game of the second set, I think, with two breakpoints, important ones, with the match more or less under control.

If you have one set and break, then you are in a big advantage against him because I felt that I was serving well, I was winning my games when I was serving very comfortable.

But then I played a very bad game with the 2-1 with my serve. 3-1 for him. Then you know you are in trouble. That's it.

Q. Next round you play Dominic. What do you expect from that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Very tough match. He's playing well. I saw him play today against Gael. He was playing a very high level the tennis.

We know each other well. He's a player that I like him a lot, the way that he work, the way that he plays, and the way that he tries his best always.

Is a match that going to be a tough one, but will be interesting, no? I am excited to play this quarterfinals against Dominic. I know I have to be at my best to have chances. I think I am moving in the right direction. Every day I'm playing a little bit better.

Q. The score is exactly the same of Wimbledon. You won four tiebreakers, the last four you played against him. Do you think it's a pure coincidence or is there some explanation for that since you always say you're under pressure when he's serving?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, and I lost in Acapulco. I lost the tiebreak in the final set of Acapulco. I won four, I lost one in the second round of Acapulco. That's just dynamics.

Today anything could happen in the tiebreaks. Have been very close tiebreaks both. I don't have the capacity to analyze why or why not is happening this or the other thing.

Q. On courtside you said at 5-4 you played a scary game in the fourth set. Was that down to you or the pressure he was putting you under?
RAFAEL NADAL: I played a bad game, that's true. I was playing great with my serve, winning all the games with very positive feelings. In the 5-4, as everybody, I get a little bit more nerves, nervous at that moment.

First point have been important. He hit a backhand that probably he was not touching the ball perfect, so he put me in an uncomfortable position because his ball was very short, so I was outside of the court.

Even like this, I think I hit a good forehand down the line, but it was just little bit long, like this. Then you are Love-15. I won that point, good point. Yeah, 15-30, double-fault.

That's the story. I played bad game. I was more nervous at that moment and I accept, no? I am enough humble to accept that sometimes I am nervous and I can have mistakes. That's what happened in the 5-4.

I keep going, because in the next game I have 15-40 again. Was not able to achieve the break. Then I think I played a bad game with the 5-4 with my serve. But I said after 6-5, need to forget, we still very close to the victory. I need to play with the right determination until the end of this set.

I can lose, I can win, but I cannot play with more nerves than what I should. I did it already once, and I don't want to repeat that. I think I didn't. In the 6-5 I played a great game with my serve. In the tiebreak, I think I was serving well. Nothing to say.

I think I played a solid tiebreak.

Q. When we watch Nick play, we're often surprised by what he decides to do. Are you surprised by some of the choices he makes?

Q. We're surprised by the shots that Nick plays, the things he chooses to do. Are you ever surprised?
RAFAEL NADAL: The way he plays?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: Not today. Probably at the beginning of his career maybe yes, but not now. I am used to seeing him.

Honestly, as I said, today I think he played very serious, he played very focused, and he tried all the time his best.

When he was serving his way, this thing, when I criticize him in Acapulco after the match, people understood that was because he was serving sometimes like this. I never criticized that. Is part of the game. I criticized at that moment his attitude on the match, not that he was serving one way or another way. I think it's part of the game. If he wants to serve like this, honestly, better for me. That's all.

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