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January 18, 2020
Lake Buena Vista, Florida
Q. What was your club today when you holed out?
CELINE BOUTIER: 50 degrees.
Q. And how far do you think it was?
Q. Just straight in?
CELINE BOUTIER: I didn't see, but there was a pitch mark literally like on the lip of the hole, but then they kind of delayed to cheer on the green. So I think it probably jumped out and back in. So I'm not sure exactly.
Q. We got it on video. I think it was pretty slam dunk.
Q. Your wedge play -- or your iron play is obviously pretty good then. What's it like just to have two days like that? Hole-in-one and then you hole out from the middle of the fairway.
CELINE BOUTIER: I think it's just one of those weeks. On the first round actually, on No. 1 I actually hit the pin, and then it jumped out. So it's been like three almost like hole outs. I think you just have sometimes a little bit of luck some weeks more than others, and this week is kind of one of those.
Q. I'm sorry. Did you say when you hit the No. 1 pin? Was that yesterday also?
CELINE BOUTIER: It was the first day. Today was on No. 10.
Q. How do you feel about your overall position, being the first event of the year?
CELINE BOUTIER: I mean, I'm pretty happy about it. I am also excited that there's another round. I feel like I left a couple of shots out there the past two days, so I'm looking forward to trying to come back.
Q. You let your mind wander as to which hole you're going to hole out at tomorrow?
CELINE BOUTIER: Any hole will be fine with me. Not picky with that.
Q. It's been almost a year since your win in Australia. How much has your life changed since that win? It's a big thing.
CELINE BOUTIER: I think it's as big as you want it to be. It's definitely -- it can be challenging to get your first win on Tour. I think I was pretty lucky that it happened pretty early in my career and also in the season because it was the first tournament of the season. So I think just mentally just kind of relaxing a little bit because I felt like I was always chasing something and a little bit more nervous I think. Then once you get a win early in the season, you kind of relax a little bit, and I feel like you don't put yourself under as much pressure. That's the main thing.
Then outside of golf, my life has not changed. Maybe a tiny bit more famous in France, but it's not major.
Q. In between the win and then the success in the Solheim Cup, 2019 was an incredible year for you. Just looking back, did you think that was part of your future?
CELINE BOUTIER: Beginning of 2019, it was definitely some of my goals to win a tournament, to be part of the Solheim, to win the Solheim. So I did achieve a lot of goals. I think, when you try to set up goals, you know that you can achieve them. Obviously, when you achieve everything, it's a little bit strange, but at the same time, I think deep down I knew that I was capable of doing it.
I'm also looking forward -- I mean, I think it's also hopefully just the beginning, and I hope it's not just that for my career. So I'm looking forward to winning more.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
