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December 13, 2019

Adam Scott

Louis Oosthuizen

Melbourne, Australia

Q. 2-down early; what flipped it around?
LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: You know, trying to hit fairways, greens, put pressure on them. I think with the golf course the way they are, the greens, par is good. You don't really have to do a lot more.

We had a good stretch there in the middle that we started finding our games, and didn't make a mistake.

Q. How much do you feed off of the Australian energy?
ADAM SCOTT: It's been really great, especially today. I think maybe some people took the day off work to come out watch the golf, which is fun. They have been fantastic for us this week and we look forward to tomorrow and this weekend.

Q. Last out yesterday, first off today, and you've got a real energy to the team and you're steering the ship beautifully.
LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: I think that's our job as the older guys on the team so get the youngsters fired up. I've said this a few times; our rookies is really in form and it's great to watch them play. We are just trying to lead by example.

Q. 2-down through seven, and some key moments that started to turn things around.
ADAM SCOTT: We got lucky on 8 and won the hole, and then from there on in, Louis and I just kind of applied the pressure. We hit fairways and greens and never let up. They made a couple mistakes and we made a couple good putts for birdie and managed to walk it in with a couple to go.

Q. Important to keep the momentum going. What sets the tone now for tomorrow?
LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Same thing. There's a lot of golf left. We know what we came here to do. We are very focused. We're just going to do the same thing.

Q. Two points now and this is a big turnaround from where things have been around in team events for you in the past. You must be happy with how that's rolling?
ADAM SCOTT: It's a great start to the week but Louis is spot on, we've been very focused. I was very happy to partner with Louis today. He's like the king of this thing for us. Just happy to get dragged along with him. A good start and a lot of golf to play tomorrow.

Q. What changed after way through this match?
LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: We just kept on doing what we were planning the whole day, fairways, greens. Around this golf course, apply the pressure, make pars. We started fine and then started making putts for birdies. Never let off the pedal, and they made one or two mistakes and that changed the match for us.

Q. You and Louis have proven to be a formidable duo in The Presidents Cup when playing together. Why is that? Why were you two so successful?
ADAM SCOTT: We match up well. Obviously we've got a bit of experience up our sleeve, which kind of trying to use to our advantage when we can. But it's a very comfortable pairing for us, and obviously today, we were sent out early to set the tone, and it's nice we turned it around and gave the boys something to shoot for now.

Q. How is the scoreboard confirming what you've seen throughout this preparation?
ADAM SCOTT: So far, so good. We are trying to not get ahead of ourselves at all. It's a long way to go, but Ernie and his team of assistants have done a fantastic job of getting us prepared mentally and strategy-wise with the golf course this week. So you know, I think there's a calmness, a calm confidence about our team here.

Q. How is the crowd support?
ADAM SCOTT: It's fantastic for me, obviously, being here. I'm have proud that the crowd have come out in force, but especially for the first-time guys, to really feel like this is a home game and this is the kind of atmosphere we want to continue playing in when we're in the United States.

Q. Do you feel like an on-course captain out there? Down early, did you feel some weight on your shoulders to get things started in this session again?
ADAM SCOTT: Absolutely. Any first match out is somewhat setting the tone, but Louis's contributing as much as me off the golf course in the team room. We kind of ham-and-egg our role as the older guys or more experienced guys on the team, and we have different styles of doing that I'd say, but it's working very well.

I think it was big, though, to turn it around, and you know, kind of put our foot down when we got it going and apply the pressure, and that's very effective out there on this golf course and to walk a watch in 3 & 2 feels good.

Q. And hearing some of those roars?
ADAM SCOTT: It means everything. I'm happy to hole a few putts out there and get everyone fired up. I think we've got to give them something to cheer for. We can't expect them to cheer if we're not doing our job. It's nice, so far, we've been doing our job.

Q. The focus that you talked about, it seems like it's trickled down from the top. Ernie has had a seriousness that you don't usually see from him. Do you feel that he has more purpose because of who the captain is on the U.S. Team? Ernie over the years has gotten beaten up by Tiger as much as anyone, and then his first go-around as a captain, he's got this guy again. Do you think that's added anything to his approach or motivation?
ADAM SCOTT: It's possible for sure. You know, you've got to use anything at all to your advantage. You say you haven't seen Ernie focused like this, but I remember playing with him so many times in the heat of these events or majors or any event, he was an incredible competitor who won so much. That's his habit is winning.

You know, he's a little old now and hasn't competed as much on the Tour for a couple years, but deep down inside, he's used to winning, and that's the attitude he's brought here.

Q. Is there something about this Presidents Cup that feels different from a team culture standpoint?
ADAM SCOTT: Absolutely. Behind the scenes, Ernie, everyone, internal team staff, has worked incredibly hard to start growing a culture inside our team. We really lacked that. We always talked about how difficult it is, this and that, and we've had to shelve that and do something about it, and that's what I like about what's happened this last year or two since the new team has taken shape.

Q. So for you the score is no coincidence; it's a by-product, the score right now?
ADAM SCOTT: I definitely think it has contributed to that. Guys from every aspect of this International Team have bought in a lot more, and I would like to think that has some reflection on the score.

Q. You have a 21-year-old Korean leading you guys right now.
ADAM SCOTT: He's amazing.

You can see the level of respect that everyone has for Ernie when he talks. They are in awe and doing such a good job of doing him proud this week. But that guy, he is just a machine. He's our Iron Byron.

Q. Would you encourage the Victorians to get a little louder even tomorrow?
ADAM SCOTT: They can get as loud as they would like as far as I'm concerned. I would like everyone to have a good time. You, of course, have to be respectful of everybody out here, but have the best time of their lives this week. That's what this thing is all about.

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