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December 11, 2019

Haotong Li

Melbourne, Australia

Q. How has this experience been so far for you?
HAOTONG LI: It's been fantastic. It's like a dream come true. You know, two years ago, I nearly made the team but right now, I felt like everything is unreal.

Q. What's it like playing for Ernie Els?
HAOTONG LI: Ernie did a lot, he organized for us and so many things he did as a captain. Hopefully we can take this honor and play well for him.

Q. Your thoughts on Royal Melbourne?
HAOTONG LI: It's quite a fair course to be honest. You have to play solid, ball strike it well and I think you will get a good result.

Q. How do you think the team is gelling this week?

Q. How is the mood in the team room?
HAOTONG LI: Oh, the mood, it's always happy, always passion. If you see our locker room, you will see a lot of kind of stuff like logos, like 15.5, that's our goal. We had our own lookers, as well. So it's very special.

Q. Talk about playing your practice rounds and who do you think would make good partners for you?
HAOTONG LI: I think Adam Scott will be the perfect one for me. Especially he's my kind of idol, as well. Especially playing with him against in Australia is going to be a special memory for me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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