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November 22, 2019

Sergi Bruguera

Marcel Granollers

Rafael Nadal

Paris, France

SPAIN 2, Argentina 1

PELLA/Carreno Busta 6-7, 7-6, 6-1

NADAL/Schwartzman 6-1, 6-2

GRANOLLERS-NADAL/Gonzalez-Mayer 6-4, 4-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: First one in English.

Q. Great atmosphere tonight. Are you surprised about that or do you think it should be the same kind of atmosphere also in the other matches and it's impossible just because this is the first edition and maybe next year would be different?
SERGI BRUGUERA: For me? No. For me, the atmosphere is always incredible when we play in Madrid, even especially the Davis Cup, but also when the tournament in Madrid, also the atmosphere is also incredible when the Spanish players play. For me, it's not a surprise. It's the regular thing.

And the other, I don't know, I didn't see the other matches. I was only watching my match so I cannot answer that about the other matches.

Q. Rafa, just your feeling about this incredible victory after two matches in singles and doubles.
RAFAEL NADAL: It been a tough day, no? First match had been hard. Pablo, he played a great match, but is true, at the end of the second set, Guido started to serve unbelievable and he didn't give us any chances at the end of the second and in the third, no.

And then when you are in this situation, there is only one thing to do, is win two matches. And you have to go step by step. I just tried to be ready for my first one.

I think I played a great singles today. And the doubles, we know everything decides in a few balls, no, and all the matches are so close. So happy for that victory.

I think both of us played well. I think Marcel played very well during the whole match. I think I increased a little bit the level on the third.

And yeah, it's a great victory. Is no time to enjoy, is time to rest and to try to be ready for tomorrow. That going to be another tough one. That's it.


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