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October 31, 2019

Rafael Nadal

Paris, France

R. NADAL/S. Wawrinka

6-4, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.

Q. Another tough match. What happened when you call the medical?
RAFAEL NADAL: I just called the doctor because I felt a little bit the stomach before the match, but nothing important, honestly. During the match I was feeling a little bit if just the doctor can give me something to feel a little bit better. That's all.

Q. What part of your game are you most happy for today?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think my serve worked well and the volley too. I have been going to the net a couple of times, serve and volley. I think I have been focused and tried to hold the serve during the whole time. I did well that with my serve.

I think my game worked well. On the return today, for me, was a little bit difficult. I think I didn't return as well as I was doing previous days. Well, I mean yesterday, but on the practice courts too.

But it's true that Stan always has a good serve, and difficult to read, no? So have been an important victory for me, honestly, against a tough opponent again. So it's a positive one.

Q. How do you look at tomorrow's match?
RAFAEL NADAL: I look against -- I have a match against a player that is playing well, already won three great matches. So will be a very tough one. I need to play my best. I need to be focused with myself. I need to play aggressive from the baseline.

So I need to do a lot of things well, but I hope to be ready to make that happen.

Q. My question is not about your match. There are a lot of concerns about climate change and global warming. How do you think that professional tennis should adapt to that issue?
RAFAEL NADAL: In which way? It's a tough question to answer. Like a tennis player? What do you mean?

Q. Yeah, a tennis player. Do they have to change something? I don't know. Do you think sometimes about it? It's a general question.
RAFAEL NADAL: Like tennis players, I don't think we can do much. It's like human persons probably, yes, of course, no?

And of course every one in this world need to ask ourselves if we want to give our future generations a good world or a bad world. So we need to be focused and work on the things that are going help this world to be healthy. And we need to help the planet to be the way that it needs to be to avoid all this negative changes that seems like are going in a negative way for the planet.

So from my personal side, of course, if I can help with anything, you give me an idea that I can do to help this, I am more than open.

Q. How do you feel your form is this week, particularly with London almost upon us, and how important is it for you to be playing well for London in a tournament you have never won? How important is it for you that you really give it a go to win that for the first time?
RAFAEL NADAL: I am in Paris. I am not in London. It's not important to play here to be playing well in London. It's important to play here because this is a Masters 1000 and one of the most important events of the year, honestly, no?

London is in one week and a half. Honestly, I'm not thinking at all about London. It's true that I never won, but you can't win everywhere. And I tried hard during all my career. I had a couple of chances, and I hope to be ready to give me one more at least. So let's see.

I'm able to talk about Paris now. When I'm in London going to be the time to talk about London. But now we're in quarterfinals of one of the most important events. So I don't take this event like a preparation for another. I'm playing here because it's a very important event for me.

Q. Can you talk about the different adjustment you tried to make when you play on indoor and especially on the way you strike the ball? Do you try to hit it flatter than on clay, for example?

Q. Do you make other adjustment like, I don't know, going for your shot more?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, you can't avoid to -- you can't play against the surface, no? It's true. You can't play a clay court game here if you want to have success here and you cannot play an indoor way on clay if you want to have success on clay.

And that's the beautiful thing about this sport, have the capacity to adapt yourself to the different conditions.

For me personally, of course, here I need to adjust a couple of things in the way that I serving, the way that I preparing the points, that there is not much time to hit one ball here, one ball to the other side, and then wait for the right opportunity.

Here, you can't wait much, and I'm trying to play with the surface, not against the surface.

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