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November 2, 2019

Nelly Korda

New Taipei City, Chinese Taipei, Taiwan

THE MODERATOR: Nelly, you put on a display of textbook consistency over the past two days. You have been going bogey-free for 38 holes. How did you manage that.

NELLY KORDA: I don't know actually. I've been very consistent off the tee, and I've been giving myself some good opportunities, and if I do make a mistake, you know, I make sure to hit it pretty close and to make the putt.

THE MODERATOR: You picked up your first win here in Taiwan, and now you're taking a three-shot lead into the final round. The tournament record for 72 holes is like 22-under par held by Inbee Park. How do you like the chances of break her record and picking up your third win on Tour.

NELLY KORDA: I think with the two girls I'm going to be playing with tomorrow, Minjee and Caroline, they are going to for sure shoot some low scores. So it's going to take a low one to stay consistent to win tomorrow, so hopefully I can get that finish. But it would be great to win again here in Taiwan. Still have 18 holes, so I'm not going to get ahead of myself.

Q. Your sister, Jessica, has not been at either of your two wins. What would it mean to have her in the crowd tomorrow?
NELLY KORDA: I mean, she hasn't been, but she has. She's always the first one I talk to when I walk off the 18th green. It will definitely be special to have her there for my win, but I'm not going to get too ahead of myself and not think about it too much, and see how the next 18 holes go. But it would definitely be special to have her there.

Q. We nice weather today. What's the impact on your play?
NELLY KORDA: Yeah, the weather was really nice. It's been really nice the past two days. It's still really windy, so it's definitely not playing easy, but yeah, I mean, it's playing the same for everyone. It's nice to see the sun here in Taiwan.

Q. You won last year at Miramar, different golf course, but looks like you might risk your flight tomorrow. What is it about Taiwan that makes things go so well for you?
NELLY KORDA: Florida where I grew up, they have bermudagrass, and here in Taiwan, they have bermudagrass, so I feel at home. I play at the wind, as well, in Florida, so it feels like home in a way.

But yeah, they are two completely different golf courses. I actually played out here two years ago, but the weather was a little different. I don't think I saw the sun the entire four days. It was raining.

But yeah, I mean, I definitely feel comfortable out here, and I like the golf course so far.

Q. How does it affect you if it's a windy day?
NELLY KORDA: Practice a lot of controlled shots. I have a great caddie, so we'll both talk about it before I hit and make sure that's the right shot. But you're going to hit a bad shot. You're going to fly the green. You're going to hit it short. It's just normal. I mean, you're not going to get the club every single time. So being consistent, just getting it on the green and having a putt for birdie is our goal this week.

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