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October 29, 2019

Nelly Korda

Taipei, Taiwan

Q. Your first time defending a title this week. How are you feeling?
NELLY KORDA: Good. Obviously a little nervous. It's an exciting feeling to be back. You know, it's such a special place for me, obviously. I'm not defending at the course I won at but I'm super excited to get this week going.

Q. Has it combined of a different feeling for you, at the gala last night, you were brought up on stage multiple times, and just seeing your face and your trophy photos everywhere around here.
NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it's definitely a new feeling, but it feels good and at the end of the day, it also motivates you because you constantly want to feel that type of, I guess, accomplishment.

Q. What do you kind of remember most about your win last year? What stands out to you?
NELLY KORDA: I think to be completely honest, walking off 18 and Facetiming Jess, I was completely bawling because I couldn't believe I won for the first time, and a little crushed that she wasn't there.

Q. And then obviously most people remember her Instagram post crying. She said she was pretty-crying. How special was that to get your first win, even though your sister wasn't here?
NELLY KORDA: Yeah, super special. To be honest it was a dream week. I couldn't have dreamt of a better week. I think seeing all my friends, even on the side of the green coming up 18, I got super emotional. I just told myself, "Okay, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry." It was an emotional Sunday and I was just super happy to get that first win under my belt.

Q. How important was it to be able to follow up so early on the next season this year in Australia?
NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it was really good. I mean, I had a good finish. I finished second at CME. So I kind of had a lot of confidence going into the next season. Finished third at Dow and won in Australia, so I put in a lot of good work with my coach over the off-season. Made sure my goals were in line; that I stayed consistent throughout the season. I feel like I've done that pretty well this year, and I'm just going to try to continue to build on that even throughout next year.

Q. It's obviously a long season, so we're nearing the end here. How have you been able to kind of maintain what you were working on this off-season and what have you kind of seen throughout the year?
NELLY KORDA: Oh, yeah, I mean, I think I've travelled more this year than years prior because I've had -- I've also had to play a couple sponsor's events, and I've had a lot of long weeks on the road. So making sure I'm well rested and communicating with my coach because he doesn't come out every week, so I make sure that I stay on top of my technique and try to just take everything shot by shot. I know I'm not going to play well every week. That's just how it is. But just to stay well rested throughout the year.

Q. And you mentioned this was the course that you won on, but you did have a good finish here your rookie year. How does this course set up for you? I know you played this morning?
NELLY KORDA: I like it a lot. It's bermudagrass, so it's kind of what I grew up on in Florida, and it's usually really windy and rainy here, so you never know. But I definitely did do the setup of the golf course. I think it fits my game quite well, and we'll see how it goes.

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