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October 5, 2019

Kevin Na

Las Vegas, Nevada

Q. Solid playing. 62 yesterday; 61 today; 446 feet in putts for the week; only 177 today. What happened, man?
KEVIN NA: Only what?

Q. 177 feet today.
KEVIN NA: I putted really well today. I hit it closer. That's probably why. My iron shots were a little better than yesterday and I putted great. I just kept riding that momentum with the hot putter and it was a great day.

Q. Does the hole look like Lake Mead out there?
KEVIN NA: You know, Fred asked me yesterday. Hey, does it feel like you're going to make everything over a putt? I just feel confident. I feel comfortable. I feel like I'm hitting a lot of good strokes and hit good putts.

All I'm trying to do is hit my line and just focus on that, and not be so caught up in what it does and just trying to hit a good putt.

Q. Something I don't think to talked about enough is your relationship your caddie, Kenny. You guys have been together a long time. How much has that relationship meant to you?
KEVIN NA: Eleven years of love and hate relationship. (Laughter.) We've got a great relationship. It's been a lot of good golf but a little bit of up and downs, and we been a great friend, a great team, and hopefully we can keep it going.

Q. You got your first PGA TOUR win here eight years ago; you live here. I know it's a little ahead of ourselves, but what do you think it would mean for you to win here this week?
KEVIN NA: It would mean a lot, especially with having a newborn, my son Leo. It would be nice if I could get -- I won in front of Sophia, so nice if I could get another W in front of both of them.

Q. How long have you been using the putter?
KEVIN NA: That's a great question. I believe it was starting Augusta this year.

Q. What made you switch to graphite? What do you like about it?
KEVIN NA: So this shaft is a -- it feels weird. I don't even get endorsed by this company. No, it's a great shaft. It's a very stiff shaft. It's stiffer than steel and it's helped me and given me the consistency of good speed.

Q. Are you getting to the point now --
KEVIN NA: How about giving me some credit? (Laughter.)

Q. Yeah, have you gotten to the point where you think everything is going in?
KEVIN NA: No. You know, somebody asked me that yesterday. They said, Do you feel like over the ball you're just going to make everything? No, it's not that. I feel comfortable and I feel confident, and all I'm trying to do is hit good putts.

I'm hitting a lot of good putts that are doing what it's supposed to and going in. Kenny and I are reading the greens very well this week; we're agreeing on things out there, which is good. It's been going in.

Q. Take the putter out of equation. When you're over the putt, what are you doing great? What are doing well?
KEVIN NA: I think I'm just hitting a lot of confident strokes with good putts and the percentage is just high. When you hit good putts at a good speed you're using the whole hole.

Look, you need some luck to have some putts lip in here and there, and I've been getting a little bit of that.

Q. What do you think your best putt was today?
KEVIN NA: It was a par save on No. 5, the par-3. I hit it right. It was basically dead. I had nothing. Hit it out to about 25 feet and it made a big -- it broke -- it was a 25-footer that broke about six foot for a par, and I thought that was the biggest putt today.

Q. What happened on 16?
KEVIN NA: Kenny read a bad read.

Q. Mindset going into tomorrow?
KEVIN NA: I think I still got to keep the pedal to the metal. A lot of low scores out here. Anybody can shoot 8- or 9-under. I believe there is going to be a little bit more wind tomorrow, so if that's the case maybe you won't see 9-, 10-unders. I just got to go out there, one shot at a time, and post a good number.

Q. Everybody is zeroing in on the putter. What are you most happy with off the greens?
KEVIN NA: I have thing is kind above average. Everything is above average and the putter, the Madison putter is working great.

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