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September 20, 2019

Henrik Stenson

Surrey, England

Q. You've perhaps had the toughest in terms of conditions, and the wind definitely picked up. How much more challenging did it become?
HENRIK STENSON: The last five or six holes, once you make the turn you have a couple of holes that's not too bad, 10, 11, 12, but from 13 onwards, you're playing almost straight into the wind. Some tough holes, and I think I maneuvered pretty well there. Didn't drop any shots and picked up a birdie. I'm pretty pleased with the day's work, especially being 1-over through eight holes.

Q. Fantastic crowds out there. Has this tournament been enjoyable in September?
HENRIK STENSON: Yeah, it's always been nice to play Wentworth. The crowd's always been great and it's got a lot of history of the European Tour, and it's always nice to be back, but condition-wise, it's certainly better in September, no question. You have a whole growing season to get the greens very good, and I think most of the players are enjoying that a lot more.

Q. You're playing well; you've had that short break. Do you feel refreshed and ready to go for a big weekend?
HENRIK STENSON: Yeah, I hope so. It's been a busy couple of days leading up to this one. I had the golf course opening in Sweden and then busy days here, but I think I've got still a little bit left in the tank for the weekend.

Q. Given the conditions with the swirling winds, how would you compare today's round to yesterday?
HENRIK STENSON: Certainly a lot more challenging to be out there, in particular, these last six holes, you're turning around after the 12th and you pretty much are playing straight into the wind for the last six holes.

So it's pretty rough out there, and I was happy with the way I finished my round, and certainly got back from being 1-over through eight. And then I made a couple nice birdies in the middle of the round and hanging on for dear life on a few of them. Finished with nice wedge and putt on the last, so pleased with the day's work.

Q. Are you playing your best golf of the year right now?
HENRIK STENSON: I think we might be heading that way. I've had some good finishes, but still a little bit left before we're firing on all cylinders I think, but I'm pleased with the work that I've done with my coaching team here this week. I've got four weeks off after this week, so I'm in a good place. I know what I'm going to work on and how to make myself be better when I play next.

Yeah, we'll just continue doing what we're doing and hopefully the scores will follow.

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