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September 13, 2019

Kevin Na

White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia

Q. Kevin, how did it go today?
KEVIN NA: Not so great. I mean, I hit a lot of bad iron shots. Drove it pretty good. Hit some really bad short irons, which is very unlike me. It's usually the strength in my game.

My body wasn't feeling all that great this morning. Just get some rest and tee off tomorrow.

Q. It's pretty hard out there.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, it's not easy, but it's definitely scorable. You're hitting a lot of holes with -- you got short clubs in, so you can make birdie.

Q. Looking forward to anything tomorrow?
KEVIN NA: Just think I got to just put a few better swings and just play like I did the first round, and on the weekend I should be all right.

Q. Not your first time here. Been here a couple times.
KEVIN NA: Five or six times, five times maybe.

Q. (Indiscernible.)
KEVIN NA: Yeah, of course. I mean, the more you keep playing these courses more and more over the years you have course knowledge and it helps, and experience is a big key out here.

Yeah, it definitely helps.

Q. Makable birdie putt obviously on 7.

Q. Went to the 8 tee box and I saw you kind of say, Refocus, refocus. Take me through the mindset there.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I had a five-footer for birdie. I mean, you got to make those. Really simple putt kind of splitting the right edge. I might have started a hint too far out and just a little firm.

On the next hole I was just like -- I was just telling myself, Focus, focus. You got two more holes to go. And I hit a good shot on 18, so it was good.

Q. So many guys who have come from behind in this event. Does it add any hope for you? Do you just worry about yourself?
KEVIN NA: There is always hope. There is always hope. This is a golf course you can go low. If you're playing well, you shoot a 7-, 8-under, and you're right back in it.

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