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September 12, 2019

Kevin Na

White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia

Q. Solid opening round. All things considered, being back on this course, a quick turnaround from last season to this season, what do you take away from today?
KEVIN NA: I played great today. I hit a lot of great iron shots and made some putts. I thought the greens were pretty firm. I didn't think it was playing that easy. Scores were low and I was able to play well and post a number.

Q. Yeah, a 62 was out there this morning. Were you paying attention to that? What was on your mind?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I saw that. I was a little surprised. I felt like I played really good to shoot 6-under. I think tomorrow morning it'll be a little softer. I don't want to say easier, but definitely be easier to get it closer to the hole.

Hopefully I can keep it up and shoot another good number.

Q. Last year when you won we did have a bit of rain interrupting things. This year, later in the calendar, a few months later. Tell us the ways that the course is playing differently this time.
KEVIN NA: I think it's playing similar. I thought it was going to be cooler but it's still warm, still humid. Greens are still -- they're rolling nice. I think everything is great. Course is in great condition.

I know they're expecting a little bit of thunderstorms this weekend; hopefully we miss it.

Q. Talk about your round today. Off to a good start at a place where you've won before.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I have a lot of good memories here and I'm excited to be back defending. Nice to see my picture up on the wall and have my own defending champion locker. It's pretty cool.

But I played great today. Hit a lot of good shots; made some good putts. Gave myself plenty of opportunities. I thought the greens were getting a little crusty at the end, a little firm, but I was able to hit some nice iron shots.

Q. What's life been like for you the last few months? You've got a newborn; you've two now to handle. It's two on two.
KEVIN NA: I've had a lot of help at home, which is great. I've had plenty of sleep. You know what? You learn so much having kids. This is our second child, and you learn to appreciate things that you never even thought about. I'm very blessed, our family is very blessed to have two beautiful kids.

Maybe more to come. (Laughter.)

Q. You went out in the afternoon when the scores weren't as low as the morning. Do you have an edge on everybody?
KEVIN NA: Well, I don't know what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, but I felt like it's obviously -- you know, when the greens are getting firmer the afternoon rounds are always a little tougher. When you're playing well and hitting good shots it doesn't make as a difference, but you know what? I definitely didn't think it was playing all that easy. To shoot 6-under, I'm very happy.

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