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August 30, 2019

Daniel Evans

New York, NY, USA


6-2, 6-2, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What makes him so difficult to play?
DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, he was too good. Obviously I didn't play my best today, but he got on top of me early and it was difficult.

I mean, I guess he has every shot, so it's not ideal to have an opponent that has every shot.

Q. Do you think the familiarity factor helps him, as well?
DANIEL EVANS: No, I mean, I was fatigued, as well. Yeah. I thought it was pretty tough I was first up after playing yesterday, if I'm being brutally honest.

Yeah, so it was a bit disappointing.

Q. On that point, coming back were you feeling stiff this morning?
DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, I didn't feel -- him being totally fresh and me, you know, battling yesterday, didn't get out of here until probably going on 6:00, just complete polar opposites, isn't it? And that is just to try and beat him feeling tired, stiff, playing four sets yesterday, it's near on impossible.

But I actually thought he played pretty much, you know, no-error tennis, I thought.

Q. Did you or Leon make any representations about when you play or did it just come as a shock?
DANIEL EVANS: You think a guy who's my ranking has any say in that?

Q. Probably not.
DANIEL EVANS: Yeah. There is probably about four people in this tournament who has a say when they play. Maybe three. Yeah.

It was an honor to play on Ashe. It's an amazing court. Yeah, but it was tough, like -- yeah. I could feel from the get-go that I was a bit slow. Everything was a bit slower. You know, it's another good experience at a slam, and, you know, that court is truly an amazing court.

Q. What goes through your mind when you're trying desperately to get a foothold in a match like that and it's just not happening? What's going through your mind at that point?
DANIEL EVANS: The start of the match or the end? The end, Get off.

I was trying to just get into the games. Yeah, it's difficult, because I thought, you know, I think he won 92%, I saw on the board, of his first serves, and that's not good for me. So I just couldn't get in his games, and getting up on the serve, he returned well when I got my serve in. But no free points was tough, as well.

Q. You talked about him having every shot. For the average sports fan, one shot that gets overlooked is the slice. Why does the slice cause so much trouble?
DANIEL EVANS: It just nullifies everything, you know. Because normally it's like all back and forth. And then just slows everything down and it almost gets you to go and hit the shot. Like you said, to the average sports fan, they'd probably see a slow ball and go, Right, I'm going to crack that. To 90% of the people on the tour that's what they try and do. And there's so much on it, doesn't go the way they want it to go and it's good variation.

I think, you know, I find it difficult to hit off the slice, as well. It's not an easy shot.

Q. Rusedski said the next step for you is to get a world-class coach to reach the top 20. What is the future? You talked about it on Sunday.
DANIEL EVANS: He also said Kyle Edmund should get a new coach, didn't he?

Yeah, I need a coach, but, you know, I'm not -- I don't need a world-class coach. I need someone who is the right fit for me. And what is a world-class coach? He's obviously right. He's experienced in that field. He had quite a few coaches who were big names, I think.

But, you know, I won't be going out there and going -- you won't hear of someone who has coached a top-10 player coming to work with me. It's just -- I want someone full time who is willing to do the hard work with me, yeah.

Q. You'll be back in the top 50 after this. You play against these guys week in and week out. What's your realistic goal you want to get to?
DANIEL EVANS: I don't know. I feel comfortable again, which is the main thing. I don't think I played my best this week, and I got through two tough matches.

You know, I have dealt with quite a bit. It was a new experience, this one. You know, not feeling confident coming in. You know, I wouldn't say panic, but I have had to do a bit extra, as well. So it was a new experience. To get through the first match was satisfying. And then yesterday I got better. Then today I actually thought I played pretty good, hit the ball as well as I have -- well, I served, the feeling on my serve was back.

So to answer your question, you know, I think I can go way higher than I am. It's just tough seeing, you know, Roger's name nearly in every Grand Slam I play is hanging around. You know, hopefully on the other half or something next time would be ideal.

Q. What's your plot between now and the rest of the year?
DANIEL EVANS: Schedule, is that (smiling)?

Q. Yeah.
DANIEL EVANS: The Asia swing. And then I'm going -- I'll play the Asia swing, the indoor, and doing same preseason as last year. You might want to come and have a look at that maybe? It's good.

Q. But it's a bit different, isn't it?
DANIEL EVANS: Could join in cornhole (smiling).

Q. But it's later, I mean, if Davis Cup happens --
DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, yeah. I didn't think about that. I have not actually -- if I'm honest, never looked at the calendar. Never see where it is or where we're going to stop. So should probably do that.

But I know that camp's going on. I agreed to go to that, like, three days ago. Not actually sure when it will happen.

But I'll head straight to Australia from America.

Q. How do you view this tournament holistically? You mentioned having two really good wins under your belt and today the lopsided scoreline. How do you look at this as a whole?
DANIEL EVANS: It has to be a success. As I said, you know, it's been a difficult trip for a few reasons, from Atlanta all the way to here now. You know, have to take this last tournament as a good success. You know, there is no shame in losing to Roger, to Rafa, to those guys, Novak. If you come up against them it's unlucky, isn't it? Or you're real far in the tournament. And this time it's just unlucky.

Q. I know they have to get the matches in, but do you think there should be a ruling like a 24-hour time before...
DANIEL EVANS: It's tough. I actually thought I was first on today because I had doubles. I actually asked the ATP guy and that wasn't the case. I don't know. You know, it would have been nice to be second or a night match, you know. But, you know, I'm not sure who plays Novak, but, you know, someone's going to get the short straw and it was me.

Q. There was actually a suggestion that Roger specifically asked to play first. I don't know if you heard that.
DANIEL EVANS: Well, if that is the case, then -- well, yeah. It's tough on me, isn't it? But that wouldn't be the first time the higher-ranked player has had pull, so to speak. But also, these guys, the tournament obviously want Roger, would rather Roger be going through that match than me, so it's understandable, yeah.

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