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August 17, 2019

Sofia Kenin

Cincinnati, Ohio

M. KEYS/S. Kenin

7-5, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What were you happiest with today?
SOFIA KENIN: You know, I think I played pretty well overall. Maddie just played really well, you know. Served big in important moments and got lucky on a few stuff, but obviously she played really well. Yeah, just credits to her.

Q. You had just won only four points on your last three service games. Were you feeling the whole effects of a long week?
SOFIA KENIN: No, not really. I mean, obviously I feel it at the end of the week, of course, but, yeah, Maddie just had great returns and just played really well. Like I said, credits to her.

Q. Back-to-back semifinals in Toronto and then here. It's not easy to do. How are you holding up physically? And are you happy with the last couple weeks? Did it exceed expectations?
SOFIA KENIN: Yeah, of course. I'm really proud of myself. Getting to the semis in Toronto was really good, and playing second week, you know, getting into semifinals is just really good.

Yeah, physically I'm a little tired, of course, but I'm holding up well. I'm playing well, having a great weeks and great year, so everything is just looking good for me. I'm 20, so we've got to celebrate (smiling).

Q. How will you spend the next couple days?
SOFIA KENIN: Well, tomorrow we're going home for, like, a day and then head over to New York.

Q. Two years ago Sloane made the semis in Toronto and made the semis here and then she won the US Open.
SOFIA KENIN: Who knows? Maybe I'll win the US Open.

Q. How good are you feeling heading to the US Open now with all these matches under your belt and all this winning under your belt?
SOFIA KENIN: Of course really good. I'm really happy. Playing really well, having great weeks. This is exactly what I need coming for New York.

Yeah, it's going to be really nice there, having my fans there. We'll see how it goes there.

Q. You had mentioned that you reached your goal for the year of ranking. Are you going to set another one between now and the end of the year?
SOFIA KENIN: No, I think I will just try and play well, and if I move up, even better. But I'm not going to put that pressure on myself.

Yeah, I mean, I'm really happy to be 20. It's really good. I just can't believe. Now I'm already 20, so it's obviously really special. I'm 20 years old and I'm 20. Ding-dong. (Smiling.)

Q. Are you at all looking towards the Olympics?
SOFIA KENIN: I thought about it, of course, but yeah, it's not like I'm playing -- I'm not putting that pressure on myself. Of course I'd love to be there, love to get there.

We've got a lot of Americans, great talent. I mean, I guess we'll have to see.

Q. You have probably been asked about this a lot, but there is a lot of curiosity about your ball toss.

Q. For those of us who don't know, when did it start for you? And is it something you're 100% comfortable with and you don't understand why there is so much commotion about it?
SOFIA KENIN: It's not that big of a deal. It's just a little bit off with the ball toss. It's nothing crazy different.

Yeah, I guess it just started when I started playing tennis, and I have tried to change it, but whenever I try to change it, you know, normally, I guess, it doesn't work. So might as well do it how I'm doing it.

Yeah, when I'm, like, serving in the match I do it that way. And then if I don't have a ball, I'll just do it good. I don't know how that works (smiling).

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