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August 15, 2019

Simona Halep

Cincinnati, Ohio

M. KEYS/S. Halep

6-1, 3-6, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. That was a long, physical match. Wondering how you're feeling just with the Achilles and everything after.
SIMONA HALEP: Achilles is fine. I didn't have pain. My legs were very tired. By body was tired. She played unbelievable and was very powerful on court.

Still, I say that I didn't play my best but I played much better than yesterday and I moved better. It was a good step forward, so I'm going to keep working.

Q. Did she kind of surprise you in the first set with how...
SIMONA HALEP: I knew that she's going fast for all the balls and with power. I knew that this is her game and I expected a very tough start.

But I didn't have the rhythm at the beginning, and then I fought and I got it but not enough to win the match.

Q. What do you think was the difference in the end?
SIMONA HALEP: I got tired more, I think, than her. She could hit stronger than me at the end. And that's why, in my opinion, she won. She was better today.

Q. Was it fatigue from yesterday, as well, or just over the course of the match? Did you feel fresh this morning?
SIMONA HALEP: I was okay. After Wimbledon, I haven't worked that much. I was on holiday. I had a break. Then in Toronto I had problems with my Achilles. Coming here I couldn't train that much, but I'm here just to keep working and to get better day by day.

I'm not gonna blame myself because of this, so I'm still positive and I will take just the positive from this tournament.

Q. You said you played better today than yesterday. What did you like in particular today?
SIMONA HALEP: Moving was much better and the strokes, also. I didn't serve well, but I think forehand was better. Backhand was better. Some dropshots. So I felt like all over the game was better.

Q. You said you didn't serve well, but at times you had a couple of slice serves out wide from the right side. It's not something we see you do that much. I was just wondering if that's something you have added or you're training on?
SIMONA HALEP: Yeah, I always train on it. But, yeah, I don't know why I don't use it. Maybe now it's a good idea to keep it. Thank you (smiling).

Yeah, it was good but not enough. I think I needed more to win this match today.

Q. New York can be a bit hectic. I don't know if you're in a rush to get there. How do you think you're going to spend the next couple of days before the Open?
SIMONA HALEP: Training. Yeah, I will train. I don't want days off anymore. I will try to recover with my body and then I keep working. I don't know when I go to New York. It's too fast.

Q. Nearby? Where do you think you'll train if not going right to New York?
SIMONA HALEP: Here. I will stay here. I like this place (smiling).

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