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August 6, 2019

Dave Worlock

Mark Bedics

Jeff Williams

Michelle Watsky

THE MODERATOR: Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to the first CoSIDA Capital One continuing ed webinar of the new academic year and the athletic year. I am your host Nick Guerriero, the chair of the CoSIDA continuing ed committee, and today's topic is getting ready for the fall season, a look at the NCAA statistics software and resources. But before we get started, we'd like to say a quick thank you to our two corporate sponsors, Capital One and ASAP Sports. Capital One is the presenting sponsor of our continuing ed and professional development series, while ASAP Sports provides the official transcript of each month's webinar. As a reminder, the webinar and the ASAP Sports transcript will be posted later today in the CoSIDA Connect, our membership online community, and please look for the links in the Connect resource library off main page.

During this webinar today you can ask your questions live to the presenters. Please use the chat box, which you'll find on the right-hand side of the portal. If you have questions for our NCAA staff on Genius and NCAA Live Stats, know that we have saved time at the end of this webinar to address them. Please send them now, and we'll get to them later, but if we don't get to them, we will send them off to our NCAA folks.

So let's get started, and our panelists today, from the NCAA office, it is Michelle Watsky, Jeff Williams, David Worlock, and Mark Bedics, and we will get started with David Worlock.

DAVE WORLOCK: Thank you, Nick, and hello, everyone. Thanks for having us today and thanks for joining us. I know taking time out of your schedules is not always easy, so to take part in this webinar is something we're very grateful for.

I just want to start by telling you quickly about our staff. We have a 16-person staff. Most of us are former SID's. All of us are proud members of CoSIDA. We consider ourselves much like SID's on every campus and at conference offices, the Swiss Army knives. We do all sorts of different things, whether it's some PR and marketing, obviously tracking statistics, serving as media coordinators at NCAA championships, and anything else that might come along such as editing game programs, and then obviously tracking stats and records is something we do on a daily basis throughout the year.

We are, again, a 16-person staff. We track statistics for 40 plus sports, when you consider men's and women's in all divisions, and we are media coordinators on-site at about 24 of our 90 championships, and we serve as liaisons to our member host institutions and conferences and all around for all 90 championships, so we try to help everyone with the hosting responsibilities.

The purpose of today's webinar is twofold. One, we want to talk briefly about NCAA Live Stats since that's such a popular topic for this past year and a half or so. We're excited to have volleyball and soccer launch this year, and obviously the season is starting here in a couple of weeks. As we sit here, as we wind down the first week of August, and we are ready for year two of basketball. So we're very excited about this initiative and what the future holds with the software that we've partnered with Genius Sports about, and Jeff Williams of our team is going to talk a little bit about that here in moment.

The other thing that's worth mentioning is while we'll only touch on that briefly relatively speaking today, there are some training seminars that are available. In fact, one is going on as we speak right now downstairs. We have about two dozen or so SID's from the area taking part in a training course that started this morning and will finish up here in about an hour or so.

The other purpose of today's webinar is to talk about the statistics and resources that we have available on NCAA.com and NCAA.org. There's obviously a wealth of information that we have, thanks to the good work that you all do on a daily basis throughout the year. So we have all these statistics, archives, some functionality that we think you may not be aware that exists, and so we're going to walk you through some things we think you'll find interesting and helpful that you can use in your day-to-day duties as a sports information director and athletics communications professional on your campus and on your conference office.

So we hope you've found this valuable. Again, we appreciate your time, and at this time I'll turn it over to Jeff Williams.

JEFF WILLIAMS: Thanks, Dave. I think as we go through this, I think we're going to kind of show you some things on the screen here, and the first thing we put up here is just an email address that you can use to reach out to the Genius support team if you have any questions about NCAA Live Stats, and that's NCAAsupport@geniussports.com, and that's going to be important. As we go through this, as Dave said, we're going to go through this really quickly as it relates to NCAA Live Stats. We want this to be an opportunity to show you a lot of what we have on dot-org and dot-com because we feel like there's a lot of opportunities to do NCAA Live Stats training, so we're not going to do any real training here. We're certainly willing to answer some questions.

But just a little bit about this project, there have been some questions about how Genius Sports, what their role is in NCAA Live Stats and what the difference is. The main difference is NCAA Live Stats is the software that we're rolling out to all of our member institutions, and Genius Sports is just the company that we've contracted to develop the software, to support the software, to help us get some adoption and to work on implementation with all of our member institutions. That's Genius Sports' role, but the software itself is an NCAA software that we own, we have control over. Obviously if there's a rule change we'll work with the Genius Sports team to implement that rule change into that sport, and that's sort of their role.

As many of you know by now, the volleyball and soccer softwares are in their final stages of development and will be rolling out prior to the seasons here in just the last week. The final products will be rolling out here in the next week or so, so we're on pace to get that done, and as Dave said, there's a lot of training going on now.

In addition to volleyball and softball, there continue to be improvements made to basketball, to the basketball software. There are some things that they're doing now, I know some improvements on shot charts and things like that that you'll see as the basketball season comes up.

The next sports that are kind of in development already that have started but won't be ready for the current academic year, football and ice hockey software are under development already. Football will actually have a beta year, so there will be a handful of schools testing it as a secondary stat product just to give us some feedback. Obviously football is a pretty major sport to try to develop from the ground up, so that process has started, and there will be some beta testing going on with that, and we may be reaching out to more SID's as the season goes along. And ice hockey is very much in its infancy stages of being developed.

And then after football and ice hockey, baseball and softball will be the next sports. There's not an official announcement yet, but we're certainly targeting the spring of 2021 for a baseball and softball software to be developed.

After that, we have some priorities set for things like lacrosse, beach volleyball. We're looking for a beach volleyball solution, as well. We expect to have that within the next couple of years. But lacrosse and field hockey are obviously important right there after baseball and softball.

And after we get all of those what I would call sort of the same sports that do live scoring from a Stat Crew standpoint, then we'll move on to things like tennis and golf, and we'll begin those discussions, as well. But obviously the priority is those first sports we talked about.

A few things that we do want to touch on as it relates, so if you do want to get some training on the NCAA Live Stats, where you can go, how you can sign up to get that training, and so here on the screen we have a look at this is NCAAmanager.com. If you look at the top, that's simply the URL that you'll see at the top, NCAAmanager.com. You can log in, this is what we call the school and conference manager. I would encourage you to go and visit this to play around, look around, see what you can do. If you don't already have a sign-in for the school and conference manager, I'd encourage you to get that done.

But for what I'm going to show you today, you actually don't need a sign-up, and that's just how you can sign up for some training. So if you click the know more section right there in the middle, and if you click know more, you'll see there's a great deal of information that you can get from a knowledge-based standpoint that will kind of work you through the NCAA Live Stats software. In particular what I want to show you today is the information under training and announcements. So if you want to sign up for one of the Live Stats training webinars, the second link down under training and announcements is Live Stats training webinars. You can click that, and you'll see that there are a number of webinars still available here in the next few weeks before the season begins. I think there's six or seven remaining. So please, if you haven't already, please feel free to go in and sign up and take part in those training seminars. They're really handy. We've been getting a lot of good feedback. There's even been some things that have come up that the team has noticed in working with these groups that they've been able to fix pretty much right away. And so I encourage you to go in and get signed up.

And then from that screen if you go back up to the top and hit solution home, that'll take you back to the main screen, and then you'll see there's also some in-person training sessions for July and August. I think there are a couple more live training sessions this week, so if one of those are in your area, I encourage you to do that live training as Dave mentioned. There's actually one going on here in Indianapolis right now as we speak. So those are very valuable, as well, and another opportunity to get good feedback.

And lastly, the last thing I'll show you from a training standpoint, from a live training opportunity, is less about a training, but there are -- once the season begins, there are going to be some town hall sessions, and there is for you just to provide feedback on some things you see as the season goes along. This is to give the Genius team some feedback on how things are working, what are some things that maybe they need to look at moving forward and that sort of thing.

Again, I'll just encourage you to take some time to familiarize you with the NCAA school and conference manager. Again, if you don't have a login, sign-in, even if you don't plan on using the Live Stats software for this year, you can still sign in and use the school and conference manager to get season reports and things like that.

So I would encourage you to do that if you haven't already. I think you'll find that to be valuable, and certainly there's other pieces in there, as well. There's videos to show you how to do certain elements of the game scoring and things like that for each sport.

Again, encourage you to get in, take a look at what's available there, and there will be a lot of information there.

But I think with that, I'm going to turn it over to Mark Bedics, and Mark is going to talk a little bit about NCAA.com.

THE MODERATOR: Actually first before we get you started, Mark, one quick question -- actually a couple quick questions just came in. The first one has to do with possession in soccer, and the question is if the NCAA is not tracking possession the SID's need to kind of track where the ball is at all times. A lot of us are doing social and video at the same, so possession is not going to be a main stat. Is that something that's really going to be enforced upon for SID's to track?

JEFF WILLIAMS: Yeah, we're not planning to enforce it this year. I would encourage you to try it. We were just sitting through the training session right now, and it's really not that difficult a thing to do. I do understand that you mentioned that there are SID's who do social, who do the PA, who do the scoreboard all at the same time. I certainly understand that. It's not going to be required.

A lot of that information is going to be on the second page of the box score, so you probably don't even have to hand that to your coaches, but I would encourage you to give it a try and see how it works out. You might find that it's really not that big of a challenge to do. But certainly at least right now we don't have any plans to sort of enforce that. It's additional information that we think will be valuable to you and that we think will help you in generating a game story and that sort of thing.

MARK BEDICS: Thank you very much. As you're well aware, as Dave mentioned, our two main focuses from an NCAA standpoint is media coordination and statistics, and I'm going to go over the media coordination aspect of this. As Michelle has up there, the NCAA.com media is where you will -- is the home basically for all media coordination type questions, answers, problems, whatever you want to call it. As Michelle shows you, if you go on there, I'm just going to give you a quick tutorial on this, and really quick, from the first thing you'll see up at the top is the broadcast schedule. When Michelle clicks on it, you can see, on the see more, it pulls up -- you can literally find any NCAA championship sport, so if you click on the sport -- obviously last year's is loaded in there, and it's any division, so this was for anything from a championship standpoint, Division I, II, III, collegiate, any round that's on NCAA.com, which is obviously webcast, to anything on CBS, ABC, what have you, NBC Sports Network, anything that's literally online, on television from a championship standpoint, these are all on here.

So obviously as the season comes along, the championship season '19-'20, anything you want to find out, you're trying to find out, hey, I thought my game at Lubbock Christian was supposed to be on the internet and it's on NCAA.com but I'm not seeing it, this is the place to go to find out for sure exactly or if a local television station in some Starkville, Mississippi, picks up the contest or Hamilton, New York, it would literally be listed on this list because anybody who wants to do video rights needs to get rights through us. We obtain the information and then the link is up on this page.

So if you scroll down, the next thing you'll see really quick just to the left, the media coordination and statistics standpoint, kind of the big thing you'll find out from that one, the media coordination manual staff directory, it needs to be updated a little bit more for this coming year, but for the most part you can see any question you have, if you're a media coordinator and you're hosting a championship, this is what you need to look through with regards to any kind of questions you have in terms of our policies.

As you can see on like the second or third page, you just scroll past it, it has a list of all of our office, cell phone numbers and emails, so you just look to see who's in charge of your sport if you're hosting Division II women's field hockey, hosting rowing, whatever, you find out who it is. Hopefully from our standpoint we usually reach out to the host institution first. Sometimes the host reaches out to us ahead of time, and that's even better.

So if you have any questions with regards to any of the NCAA policies or with regards to press conferences, all-tournament teams, anything to do with NCAA championships, this is a good place to start.

Real quick, if you go back to the thing, you'll see media coordination statistic quick links. Michelle will go into this deeper because there's definite -- when she gets to her turn. But just wanted to show you that link is available, and like I said, she'll go in depth on this page here in a second.

When you go back to the main page again, hopefully most of you know Division I men's basketball and Division I women's basketball obviously have their own set of policies. Typically they're very similar to the other ones, but some of them are more stringent typically because of the rightsholders, obviously from a men's basketball standpoint CBS Turner, from women's basketball it's ESPN.

So you can see anything, if you're ever hosting obviously Division I men's basketball you'll be in touch with Dave Worlock. For women's basketball Division I it'll be Rick Nixon, and they'll go through all kinds of seminars, but that's where they'll turn you to.

If you go down to digital social just from the standpoint of -- hopefully you do know. If not, whenever you host an NCAA championship, anybody who wants to broadcast a game, whether it's just on radio, internet radio, student radio, any type of radio needs to fill out a radio rights form, which is on here, and the next thing is the live video streaming, so if you're hosting a first-round Division III women's soccer game and you want to stream it, this is where you come to fill out the form to request the rights, and technically everything with regards to the NCAA championship needs to be approved through our office, whether it's radio, whether it's video, whether it's commercial, non-commercial, anything like that, this is where you come to find that information.

Next is credentials. As hopefully you're aware, any final site from an NCAA standpoint, we provide the credentials, and we also provide a Sports Systems credential application link/tool. So if you're hosting an NCAA championship, you'll be in charge of approving and denying credentials for media for your championship, here is where you would go to apply for literally any of the 90 NCAA championships. Again, you can see the ones from the spring are still up there and the summer basketball ones, but obviously as we come full circle here in the winter -- excuse me, the fall, the new updated credential list will be up there.

If you're hosting a final site, there is training provided by Sports Systems. If you don't know how to do it, Lauren McLaughlin from our office coordinates that with David Grim and his staff as Sports Systems.

Next up, broadcast services. This is anything to do with broadcast. Again, whether it's who has television rights, if a local TV station in your market says, hey, I want to host your Division III women's first-round soccer game on a local TV station, this is where they would go to get that information and apply for those rights.

One of the things to notice on this list is team videographer policy. Obviously if you know or you don't know, every school is entitled to bring a videographer to the championship, so you can shoot to your heart's content, but the biggest issue with videographers, when you get the rights -- excuse me, when you videotape at an NCAA championship, even if you're the school, if you're going to use it for commercial purposes, that video, you still need to have permission and the rights to be able to use that footage.

Last but certainly not least, the NCAA trademarks section. And we're actually -- we talked about this yesterday, and unfortunately forgot to follow up on this, but if you ever need a logo, you go to NCAAlogos.com, and we're going to add that to this section. It's www.NCAAlogos.com. For whatever reason, if you just do NCAAlogos it won't come up, so it'll redirect you to this one connection.

This is extremely important and helpful for anybody. Any championship from an NCAA standpoint you can get a logo, any generic NCAA logo, Division I, II, III, NCAA.com, anything you need with regards to logo, including the formats, so it's everything from eps to jpeg, you name it, it's on there. So if you don't have an account, you can see where it says, create an account. It'll take -- there's a little bit of a process on our end for somebody to approve you, but they'll approve every SID, so that way at the last minute you're not saying, hey, I wish I could get logos for the Division I women's soccer tournament, we just made it for the first time in school history but I don't have a logo. This would be the perfect place, if you already access, you go on there, two seconds, you find it. Again, if you need an eps, jpeg, whatever you need, that's right there for you.

That's pretty much all I have, as you can say. The trademark person has this information on there, and with regards to anything if your team wins an NCAA championship and you want to do tee shirts after the fact for your alumni or whatever, this is the type of thing where obviously you need to get permission to be able to use any NCAA logo on any of your merchandise or anything, whether it's a ring or anything you do for your school.

So that's all I have. But again, from a media coordination standpoint, this is a perfect place to start, and as I always say, please don't hesitate, our contact information is in there. Reach out to us if you have any questions. That's what we're here for. You're not bothering us. So that's what we're here for, so please contact us, and hopefully this was a new resource that a lot of you weren't aware of. So thank you.

THE MODERATOR: All right, we'll keep it going with more NCAA stats information. One question, I guess we can throw this out to the group, is if you are a school not using NCAA Live Stats this year but you've uploaded your roster to the NCAA website, do you still need to create a Stat Crew file, or can you just go into the back end and just pull down a roster?

JEFF WILLIAMS: That's a great question. Actually I think the answer to that question is yeah, if you put it in the NCAA system through our roster manager, you should be able to pull that scat crew roster, I guess it would be SRO for soccer, you should be able to pull that roster from that system without any problem because that's what we're doing. We're generating those backward compatibility files, so that's a good point. That's another benefit of logging in and using that NCAA manager system is that once you put the roster in our system you can get the roster even if you plan on using Stat Crew anyway. So that's a great question and a great point.

What I will say is right now we're probably a week away or so from having the soccer information in the NSEM, probably the end of this week, so it might take a day or two, but yeah, but that should work.

THE MODERATOR: Another question that just came up here, as well, and I think this is an interesting one. We keep talking about soccer a little bit. It's our understanding that there is not yet a PDF of NCAA Live Stats how-to for like soccer. Is the NCAA going to make kind of a how-to PDF that could be sent out?

JEFF WILLIAMS: As in how to use the software? Is that what the question is?

THE MODERATOR: Yeah, I guess this was pointed out in one of the FAQ's from NCAA Live Stats is there is no how-to PDF, everything has just kind of been video, and if you're someone who wants to just scroll through a quick PDF.

JEFF WILLIAMS: Yeah, I mean, most of those, you're right, are either videos or they're -- there are some instructions on how to do things, but they're HTML, so yeah, I guess if you're wanting to print something out, that would be a question for the Genius Sports team. Again, that's part of the support. So please ask that -- I'll pass that question along to our Genius team, but I would say -- I would encourage you to send that question, as well, to the NCAA support at Genius Sports email address, as well. Again, that's all part of the development and the support team that they're doing.

Again, we're NCAA Live Stats is our software, but we're not doing that piece of it. That's part of what the Genius team is meant to do.

THE MODERATOR: Another one that just came through, looking at the old Stat Crew side of it, now moving over to NCAA Live Stats and Genius where soccer and field hockey were compatible, can you do field hockey on soccer this year?

JEFF WILLIAMS: Not this year. Not this year. I mean, the focus was really to get the soccer correct and get the soccer rules correct, and then we'll move to field hockey as soon as we can get there. So for this year, unfortunately the field hockey is not part of it.

MICHELLE WATSKY: I am going to be showing everyone an NCAA.org/statistics. Now, we do have a redirect link to it, which is NCAA.org/statistics, so you're able to do that. So again, NCAA.org/statistics will redirect you to our main landing page. Now, what you'll see on our main landing page is some basic information about sports that we do main stats and RPI for under each of the fall sports, and then on the other side you'll see championship links, and that's specifically for all championships. We have links available so you can see different things under that.

I'm not going to touch on that. I'm not going to go into detail on that because it's pretty self-explanatory when you go through the links. More so I want to focus on the information that's found on the left navigation pane. The main things I want to show you first, I'm actually going to kind of go out of order, I'm going to show you the NCAA records books. We have a ton of records books. If you actually click NCAA records books, you'll see all of our records books that we have, including our championship summaries. One thing we will be adding down here are the discontinued sports, which right now if you go back a page, you'll see is found underneath the records book sections. And we also have the championship summaries broken down in case -- since we did have that separate, we still have that link available for individuals.

Our record books are updated on a regular basis. If there are issues with anything, please contact us. We want to correct it, and we want to make it as accurate as possible.

So then under statistics information, you'll see we do have a who-to-contact link. When you click on it, it does bring up the same chart that is found in the media coordination manual. It does -- it is actually more up to date than the one in the media coordination manual. It has all of our who-to-contact information as well as our miscellaneous projects that we work on. But that information is found here, as well.

Then we do have our statistics policies, which gives you a pretty good overview of how we handle different things, whether it be a roster issue or a schedule. We have a lot of FAQ information in here. It's a really good resource if you have questions about forfeits versus vacancies, eligibility, even what kind of stat plaques we award. It all can be found in here, and this gets updated on a regular basis, as well. Any time we update something, it'll show up in gray with an updated date, and it usually stays gray for about six months to a year before we just leave the updated date behind it. It's very similar to the NCAA bylaws in that respect.

Then we do have search features. Now, this search for student-athlete or coach feature right now is password protected. We are working to remove that password protected feature on it so that way you are able to search. However, we do have our old version of it, the old search functionality. It isn't as robust, and it won't get updated as regularly as this first one. But it's just worth noting that this should be up to date within a year.

Finally, the main pièce de résistance of this page is the information for SID's. This has a ton of information for you. If you ever have a question, usually you can find it listed here. Again, our policies are listed here, countable opponents policy, which just to give you an overview of it is the actual policy, and it gets updated as we find more institutions that may or may not be countable. It gets updated with an updated date, so if you ever have questions, you can always reference this.

Again, staff policies, school codes. It's our complete listing of school codes. If you don't see a school listed, please contact us. We're happy to check on a school for you. We always want you to have the most up-to-date information.

Finally, we have things like how-tos on logging into the system, submitting your roster, submitting XML files, any FAQ about single game reporting, and here's that link for local library, and then some information about Live Stats for sure.

That's our NCAA.org page in a nutshell. I want to open it up for questions before we turn it over to Jeff again.

THE MODERATOR: A couple questions came up with record keeping, and the first thing is moving from Stat Crew to Genius, is there a way for Genius to record your career stats, one? And then number two, is there a way to import your Stat Crew into Genius?

JEFF WILLIAMS: So again, I guess I get to handle that one. So the question -- the first one is, is there a way for you, the school, to enter your records into the Genius software and designate that as a record? Is that my understanding?

THE MODERATOR: Yeah, I think if like a school has records from like the '80s, is that a way for that to get imported into Genius along with current records, will they be kept through Genius or do we have to go back in Stat Crew?

JEFF WILLIAMS: The idea is, no, you shouldn't have to go back and forth between Stat Crew and Genius. You shouldn't have to do that. Today that mechanism is not in place. I know they are starting to test that out. They've got some beta testers that they're ready to start testing out some career and archive uploads.

The NCAA will be over the next year or so integrating the data that we have in our database into the Genius database so that NCAA Live Stats will have your archived data that we currently have. Obviously we don't have game-by-game data for every year back to when we started doing stats. A lot of those years we only have season-to-date data. So there will be more opportunities for you to put data in there for maybe years that we don't have the data. That functionality is not there yet, but it is something that's a priority for them, and it is something that they're working on.

THE MODERATOR: The next question talks specifically about this year. Will NCAA stats be able to pull conference-only reports for the basketball, soccer and volleyball when you're doing your game notes? Will you be able to pull the conference only?

JEFF WILLIAMS: In the Live Stats, I believe so, but I don't want to speak to that because I don't know that off the top of my head. My guess is that yes, certainly in basketball that should be a functionality because I know that was one of the improvements that was known that needed to be done. I can't tell you on the season reports on soccer that it will definitely have a conference-only report, but it should, because we recognize that as a priority.

If it's not there on week one, it might be there later in the season, but yeah, for your NCAA Live Stats in the school and conference manager reports, there should eventually be a conference-only report, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: Our last question talks about when doing practice games it requires a game ID. You can also manually put in an ID, as well. Will there be a way for schools once we're in season to be able to pull those IDs so you don't have to input rosters and information pre and postgame?

JEFF WILLIAMS: Yeah, so if you're doing a game that's a countable game or if it's an exhibition against another NCAA school and it's in the NCAA database, you'll go into the NCAA school and conference manager and pull the game ID. This information actually is available on how to do that, available on that knowledge base, that know more section of the school and conference manager. But you'll just pull your game ID, plug that in, and that will pull down the game information, the roster information that's in our database, and things like that.

Again, I'd encourage you to do the webinars. If you haven't done that, they'll walk that step with you. But it's a pretty easy process. You go to school and conference manager, you say you're scoring the game in Live Stats, it generates a game key. You grab that game key, you plug it into the software, and you're good to go, and it pulls down all the information. You shouldn't have to enter a roster. You shouldn't have to set the game up. It should already be set up and ready to go with the game date, the venue information and all that.

THE MODERATOR: Our next one talks about neutral site games, so if you're a school that's going to be hosting a bunch of neutral site games for volleyball, will the NCAA be providing that host school with all the keys, or is that something school by school if you're the designated home team will have to shoot over to the host institution?

JEFF WILLIAMS: If you're a neutral site, you can reach out to me and I will work with you to get all the game keys if you need them all. You can work with the schools. We're also working on a way -- again, I don't know this is going to be ready for day one, but we're working on a way to give you a tournament license or a license for any game that you're hosting. If you input your schedules, for instance, this year with us, if you went through our system and input your schedules, you would have seen that we were starting to ask for neutral site host, that's how we know who the host is so that when we're generating these license keys -- I don't know, if Ouachita Baptist is hosting a volleyball tournament and all the schools say that Ouachita Baptist is the neutral site host, we know that those games should be scored by Ouachita Baptist, and they would be able to pull that from their license key.

So we're working toward that. It's not a perfect system today, but we're getting better as we go, and I think by basketball we'll have a really good handle on how we're doing that. Again, work with the Genius team on how to better manage that, but that's what we're working toward right now.

THE MODERATOR: Another one that just came through this morning talked about on-demand videos. Is there going to be any of those webinars that are being produced I guess by Genius? Will there be a way for those to get put on a YouTube or a way that SID's will be able to find them a little more openly without having to go through the NCAA site?

JEFF WILLIAMS: The NCAA manager site? I don't know of a YouTube plan. I can ask that question. To my knowledge, I think there are some that were recorded early on and are available on the NCAA manager. I would encourage you, again, to take a look and see if there's something there that are recorded, but I don't know off the top of my head.

If there's not one recorded, I will go back and look, I will make sure that they get one of the ones coming up recorded and put at least on this NCAA manager site that Michelle is showing right now.

THE MODERATOR: This is something I saw, as well: When you log into the NSCM, you only see options for basketball. Will soccer and volleyball become available, as well, within the next week or so?

JEFF WILLIAMS: Yeah, once we transfer schedules, that will all be available.

THE MODERATOR: That's all we've got for questions right now. Jeff, did you want to take over a little bit more?

JEFF WILLIAMS: Yeah, so the last thing we want to show is we want to go through a little bit through our stats.NCAA.org site. Many of you may be going here for your statistical rankings. If you're not, I would really encourage you to use this site. I know some of you probably use NCAA.com, but this is the site we have the most control over. NCAA.com maybe as you know is run by Turner Sports, and while they're pulling that data directly from us, sometimes it gets to be something that gets a little bit off and we don't have control over that. We have to contact somebody; it takes a little bit of time.

This site we completely control. So as Michelle is working through this, these are the rankings that you're probably seeing if you're going to our stats.NCAA.org site. Obviously you see a little snapshot of some key statistical categories right here at the front of the page, but this is by no means all we have. There's an additional stat dropdown with a great deal more of statistical breakdowns.

You also see along the top we have individual stats, we have individual game highs, team stat rankings and team game highs. So any of those type of categories that you want to see are available on those pages.

So we rank a number of different categories, and as you see, Michelle just pulled up the team game high and double plays for a game. So it's hard for me to see exactly that Nicholls State turned the most double plays in a single game last year. So that's just something to maybe make sure that you're using that site.

But even beyond that, what we want to show is some of the other options that are available within this application. One of our favorite things that we think is maybe underutilized a lot is this rankings summary tab that Michelle just clicked on, and as you look through that, some of you that may be using it for this purpose right now, and that's just to pull up one team, your team, and to see where your team is ranked in different categories, really valuable stuff, really powerful, just one quick snapshot of a page that shows where your team, where your individuals are ranked in every statistical category that we're currently ranking on.

In addition to that, on that same page, you can click different conferences, you can click regions. Some of our sports have a host season summary. I know Division I baseball I break it down a few different ways from different people, so during the regionals I even do a breakdown of each individual -- one of the 16 regionals, and I put that in there.

So when you click some of these categories, it may take a while just to pull this up, and you'll see this one, Michelle took the baseball championship, and what this is doing is it's actually writing that report specifically for her, and so it's pulling the rankings of those 16 teams and putting that into a report.

But the one thing that I think is really interesting and really powerful here that I think is maybe underutilized to some extent is, and hopefully this report will come up here pretty quickly, but is this select custom rank summary. I'm not sure enough people know about this or are using this right now, but this is an opportunity for you to create your own custom rank summary. She's going to navigate back to this a little bit, but as she goes through this -- when you go to this select custom rank summary, if you hit the green plus button right here, you can actually create your own ranking summary.

So one of the things that I think this is valuable is when you're doing game notes and you play a specific team, you can create a ranking summary of just the team that you're playing that weekend. So in this case Michelle is picking the two teams that played the national championship in baseball this past year. So she clicks Vanderbilt, she clicks Michigan, and then she goes back and she just hits the back button here, and she's already named the report, and then when she gets back to this screen, the report will show up there, and then it'll show you -- it'll run this report, and it will generate a rankings summary just showing you the two teams that you selected. So if you're hosting a tournament, you could put the four teams in your tournament or you can put the eight teams in your tournament, whatever the case may be. Or if you're hosting a weekend you can see everybody that you're playing that weekend, however you want to do it. Lots of different things.

But what's also really neat about this, so if you just did it like -- I used to do game notes, I used to do tale of the tape kind of thing, and I would put this information in there. But the other things you can do is if you don't want to like retype that, in the top right-hand corner there's a PDF button, you can actually just create the PDF of this and spit that out just like that, really just slide that into the back of your notes if you wanted it, and now you've got the rankings not only for your team but for your opponent, where all their individuals rank nationally and that sort of thing. And I think that's a pretty nice little feature that we have that I'm not sure a lot of people know about. We really wanted to make sure we pointed that out.

I know we're kind of running short on time, so we'll really quickly go through some other features on stats.NCAA.org that we really want people to know about. Just kind of staying along the top of those tabs, there's a trends button at the top, and largely what that trends button is used for is to kind of see how the nation ranks in different categories, how the nation is doing, so if we can tell by scrolling down to the bottom of this page, for instance, that overall teams are hitting in Division I baseball, they're hitting .269 on the season. So that's just an overall batting average.

But this also has some power in other places. Michelle, when she got here, it defaulted to conference, but she clicked it by institution, and then if you click -- you can look at the hitting numbers, but you can also click in pitching. So for instance, we don't do a ranking, a national statistical ranking showing who the leader is and home runs allowed, either most home runs allowed or least home runs allowed, but you could go to this trends, you can click the home runs allowed, and you can sort it in whichever way you want. So you can see that North Dakota State last year gave up the fewest home runs overall. They only gave up 13 home runs over the course of the season. Or you could click it the other way just by clicking that column again and see what team gave up the most home runs in a given season, on this given season.

Just again, something interesting. That just happens to be one I got a call about last week, somebody said, hey, we know we gave up a lot of home runs last year; our coaches want to know where we rank. I didn't see it in the rankings. How can I do that? And this is a simple way to do that. Same thing with like wild pitches. We don't rank what team is giving up the most wild pitches, but there's a quick place you can do it.

The next tab over is miscellaneous reports. Some of you probably have seen this for attendance and things like that. I think one of the interesting things here is not only do you have attendance single-game highs, but I think another interesting one here is the win-loss-tie streak document that's here. There's a couple of different ways you can sort through this document. You can see conference win streaks, you can see home win streaks, road win streaks and things like that.

The one thing I always warn people about is the way our system works currently, we look at teams based on what conference they're in, based on what is in our database for this purpose, so as teams are moving conferences, the conference win-loss records maybe get a little bit off or at least conference win streaks get a little bit off because it's based on what conference you're playing in, or if you're in a league where you may play non-conference games against teams within your conference, that's not accounted for because what it's looking at is what conference our database those teams are in, and that's how it's basing that.

But nonetheless, like for instance, if Michelle wanted to click overall winning streaks, she could click the overall there, drop it down to wins, and then see who -- that Arizona last year won 10 games in a row to finish out the season, which I am not sure that's right, so I'll probably have to take a look at that. But those are things that should be working correctly. That one just happens to be something -- there's a bug in that particular report.

So that kind of takes care of those top tabs. I would say the other things are in the blue bar, are some of the main categories. I think the first one there is pretty self-explanatory: Active career leaders. You could click on that and see any team or see where players are related to other players either in that division or overall among active career leaders. You can click on any of those categories that are there.

Again, same as on the rankings page, you'll see a snapshot of some specific categories that you can look at, but there are also some additional categories up on the top left, and Michelle is showing you there that you can search on different things. You can search the school name, you can search by juniors or seniors or sophomores or something like that.

You know, so lots of things you can search for, but also if you scroll over the category, you'll see down there there's more stats, and so lots of different categories that we rank. If you can't find an active career leader category that you think we might be able to pull, shoot us a note and let us know. Maybe it's something we don't yet have, and it's a simple thing to add, so we can take a look at that.

But I think that has some value to a lot of people.

Also on the top, I don't know if many people know that there's a scoreboard function within our stat site, NCAA.org site. This scoreboard is updated as soon as you submit a game file, so as soon as your XML file is submitted, the score and data goes into this system. Box score is there, and you see there when she clicks it, it goes to the most recent date, which is last year's national championship game in baseball, and when you click box score it opens up a box score and you can see that information. And so it's really all of the game information for that particular game.

And then the last thing I kind of want to show real quick as it relates to this -- the top of this is the head coaches. The head coaches -- we used to a couple years ago, a few years ago, you would call us and ask us if we had updated leaders through the current season, and we really couldn't update our coaching records through the current season. Well, now we can. This head coaches tool, you can access at any time, and you can use this to see your coach just hit his 700th win, are there other coaches this season have that hit their 700th win. And basically all you do is you can filter it by sport. Here she's got it filtered with baseball, she's got it filtered with Division I, and then the checkmarks allow you to do only active coaches or -- and/or apply the minimums, and what the apply minimums is is the minimums that we use in our record books.

So for instance, in all of our record books we say for active career leaders coaches have to be in that division for a minimum of five years in active, and then for all time records, active and non-active, they have to be in that division for 10 years.

So we really think that that's something that's helpful. As we run our stats, this report runs each week or each day that we run stats, and so you'll be able to see this in almost real time, but as soon as we run our national rankings for that week, you would see these updated coaching records, and they would be up to date.

Obviously you see at the top, Mike Martin is listed as an active coach. We haven't made that coaching change yet. We will before the next season. But the 2020 baseball season is not an active season right now, so Mike Martin technically is still active because it's using the 2019 season. So those are things that are available there.

The last thing overall I want to show is there's a team search button, team search link at the very, very top. If you start typing a school name in there, you can type -- Michelle is going to type in Calvin, for instance. A dropdown will come up. It will pull a list of the sports that we have for that team. You click a sport that they have available. She's going to click men's basketball it looks like, and then you'll see their team page. It'll show you their game-by-game results. It'll show you a little snapshot of where they rank in various categories, and then at the top we'll show some other information, coach's name, their arena, things like that.

I also like the fact it shows the team history right there. If you click that team history, it will be a year-by-year breakdown of that school, and you can see that we have in our database for their all-time win-loss record. You can choose another year on the left-hand side, and it will take you to that particular year. It will take you to the team page for that particular year.

Michelle started to click on it, and I was going faster than her. The other thing she started to show you was that while you're on this page, you can also switch to another sport just by clicking the dropdown there and clicking baseball. It'll take you to that sport.

You also can see a coaches summary for any coach that's on that list. You can see the full coaches summary for your team by clicking coaches summary. It'll just break down each coach that's been at your school that we have in our database, and then anytime you click one of those coaches' names on either that coaches summary report or right here, it will show you the year by year record for that coach at all the schools. This coach happens to have only been a head coach for only one season, and it was at Calvin.

But if it was a mike she have or someone else, it would show all the years at all the different schools they were in. There's a good example there.

Again, a lot of valuable tools. What I would say, again, and this is what I like to say to people, it's hard to go through this and give you every single thing that this does. I really would encourage you to go through this stats.NCAA.org page and look add all the elements that you have access to.

I think one other thing we probably ought to show you on the team pages, and I think Mark was touching -- or maybe it was Michelle actually was touching on this a little bit earlier, just go back to the year '18-'19 if you would, but let's say if you click game-by-game. If you click game-by-game here, here's the team statistics first. It will show you the team statistics for that particular team. It'll go to Calvin's team stats, but then she pulls up the game-by-game, and this shows you each game that the team has played, what their batting stats are, and obviously you can see at the top left, you can see -- you can switch it to pitching or fielding.

The other thing that Michelle pulled up is on the dropdown there, you can see individual players, and so she pulls a player, it not only will have the player's individual game-by-game but will also have the career data for that particular team, and so one of the things you'll see if the player has multiple years -- we don't know which player has multiple years, but if you see a player that has multiple years, it will show each year that the player has played and then have a summary line, and this probably is a player who's most likely a pitcher, and it will have their summary there.

Really important for us is as you're putting your rosters in, if you can track transfers, we have a couple of transfers that we have in the system. One of the things that we'll do is if the transfers are entered into our system correctly, it actually will continue to track that transfer and you'll see where it says Calvin, Calvin, Calvin, it'll add the information, and Michelle is going to try to pull up a player that we know is a transfer right now. This is a player from Arkansas this past year who transferred from Southeast Missouri state, but you can see the first four years were at Southeast Missouri. Obviously he had a medical redshirt one year, and then finished his career at Arkansas. So you could go there, and then if she were to click one of those years at Southeast Missouri State, it would actually transfer her back to the Southeast Missouri State team page and have her set up there.

Again, a lot of good data there that we think is valuable and are things that you can use as you click through it, maybe you can use for yourself, maybe you can use for an upcoming opponent as you're trying to put together notes. But just wanted to kind of give you a brief overview of some of that. We think it's pretty valuable. We've worked really hard to put more and more information out there for you to use, and we hope you're able to use it.

So I think with that, I know we're at the very end. We're actually way over time, so sorry, Barb, but we'll take any last questions you have and then try to wrap up.

THE MODERATOR: I think the one last question we have coming in, and I think we talked about this a little bit earlier, but just a little more clarification. If you're doing soccer this year and it could be basketball, there are a lot of new stats this year that we haven't seen in the past such as the type of a turnover or who the foul is committed on in soccer. Are those going to be tracked by the NCAA, or are those just kind of secondary pieces of information that are great to have but at the end of the day it's not going to affect your box score at the end of the night?

JEFF WILLIAMS: I would say right now we're not planning to do anything major with that. We might pass some of that information on to say our rule stats as we're generating trends and things like that, and we may be able to use it down the line for downstream partners and things like that. It's not necessarily something we're doing rankings on this year.

But as we're making this transition, if we can get people used to tracking on that data now, it might be something that we could use in the future. But certainly a lot of the things that we're putting in there are things that we've heard from either our basketball staff as they're looking at different pieces of data or our rules staff as they're looking at making rules changes and things like that. Again, not necessarily to penalize somebody for committing 30 fouls in a season or having 10 yellow cards, but to help them track trends of a particular thing and how things are going across -- and that's a big reason why we wanted to add in some things like what type of turnover it is in basketball because I think down the line our rules staff would be interested to know how many travels are being called and how many charges are being called versus just common defensive fouls and things like that.

Those aren't pieces of data that we've been able to track previously, but it's going to be valuable to our rules staff as they continue to try to, I guess, look at the games that they're trying to evaluate and maybe how to change the rules and make them safer and things like that.

I know there's a lot of data that not only our rules staff want but our health and safety staff want that we're not currently tracking, and maybe some that we haven't even asked the Genius team to put in place yet that we're probably going to be adding even down the line, but right now we just thought these are some pieces that were not that big a deal to add, that we thought were valuable to the team.

Let me make one other point. The other thing that makes it hard to kind of track some of those trends is we need everybody to adopt in order -- if you're getting some pieces of data in Stat Crew that are -- in NCAA Live Stats that aren't available in Stat Crew, you're not getting the complete set of data, so it is important to get the complete set, as well. That's another part of that, as well.

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