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July 5, 2019
Wimbledon, London, England
6-2, 6-3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. I think you're only the second person in history to say you have played mixed with Serena and Venus. How does that feel? How was that today?
FRANCES TIAFOE: Obviously unbelievable. Obviously I looked up to them all my life. Still do. It's an honor to share the court with both of them. Happy to get a win with Venus. I did not want to go down today. We played well, and hopefully we can keep going.
Q. How did the idea to partner up come about?
FRANCES TIAFOE: I just got a text from Carlos. He was, like, Do you want to play with Venus? I was, like, That's a dumb question. Next day we are doing two-hour doubles drills in practice.
Q. Venus, you haven't played a lot of mixed here in your career. What made you want to do it this time?
VENUS WILLIAMS: I love doubles. And if I could play doubles every tournament, I would. This is just another opportunity I get to do something I love. We're having a great partnership so far.
Q. You had to make a lot of important decisions in your life, so if you have to think about one of the most important, what would you think it was?
VENUS WILLIAMS: Oh, that's a good question. I don't know if I can answer that.
Best decision in life is to, you know, be faithful to whatever you're doing. In that effect, you know, whatever I'm faithful to, whether it's God or myself or my family, then this is the best decision.
Q. Olympics qualifying cycle starts after French Open. So I'm curious how much that's already on your mind, if that's something maybe playing more doubles in anticipation to that next ten months or however long?
VENUS WILLIAMS: Ah, there is definitely time, but I think this could work, right?
FRANCES TIAFOE: Yeah, I mean, I'd love that. I'd love that.
VENUS WILLIAMS: That would be awesome. So we'll see.
Q. Frances, can I ask about Coco? Do you know her well? What kind of impressions do you have of her as a player and as a player, you know, her chances?
FRANCES TIAFOE: Ah, I mean, she is obviously very young. I mean, obviously it's a good run for her. I hope obviously she keeps going.
Q. You don't know her well personally?
FRANCES TIAFOE: Ah, I mean, a little bit. I see her around. Plenty other people I talk to out there (smiling).
Q. Frances, who would win if your dad played against Venus' dad? Your father loves tennis.
VENUS WILLIAMS: What's the question?
FRANCES TIAFOE: My dad or your dad, who wins?
Q. He likes to play, his father plays and he's very competitive.
VENUS WILLIAMS: Oh, that's cool. Got to get your dad on the court.
FRANCES TIAFOE: No, he's a complete rec player. You don't want to play with that.
Q. You played obviously a ton of women's doubles, but not as much mixed. What do you like about mixed? What's different about it? What makes it unique for you?
VENUS WILLIAMS: I mean, it's doubles, so I stick to my doubles plan. That's about it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
