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July 4, 2019

Yu Liu

Oneida, Wisconsin

Q. 62, the lowest rounds of your career, and you said you almost had another birdie there on the final hole. What got into you today?
YU LIU: Today I just made a lot of putts, mid-range putts inside 15 feet, which didn't really happen at all last week.

I really love the greens here. Last year I had my career low round of 9-under out here, so I really like the golf course apparently.

So it's just nice to be out here. Just great vibes.

Q. What is it about this golf course that seems to suit you?
YU LIU: Just really fits my eyes and the greens are really pure, especially when you play in the morning. Bent grass fairways and greens. That's what I grew up playing with because I was born and raised in Beijing, which is the north part of China, so we always had bent grass.

Q. We hear a lot of girls say it fits their eye. What do you mean when it fits your eye?
YU LIU: Just the layout that you feel comfortable hitting your tee shots and into the greens, yeah.

Q. You tied the course record.
YU LIU: Yeah, tied. Trying to break it, but I'm really happy with my round.

Q. Were you putting it in close or what was with all the birdies?
YU LIU: Yeah, this course I would say it was playing pretty soft, so it takes a lot of the pressure off for the approach shots because you know where you land is pretty much where you're going to finish. So not much calculation was needed.

I was just hitting it pretty solid. I drove the ball pretty well. You know, took advantage of the par-5s. I eagled one. But not really. I didn't birdie the Aon hole and then I didn't birdie the last hole.

So it could have been a little better.

Q. What's the mentality heading into tomorrow knowing it's a very packed leaderboard?
YU LIU: Yeah, just definitely a great start. Just, you know, take some rest and then get my energy level up for tomorrow playing late. Not too high expectations because we know we play late. It's usually not as easy to score considering the greens are not as smooth in the afternoon.

So just try and take it shot by shot.

Q. Your range and length in birdie putts, did you make any long ones or just all...
YU LIU: No, not really. Everything was inside 15 feet, I would say. Still, because there are a lot of subtle breaks out here, I was definitely on the luckier side on my reading the putts.

Q. Career low here at Thornberry. Last year 63, and goes ahead and breaks it today with a 62. What got going for you today?
YU LIU: Obviously this course, I really love the course. Really suits my eyes and just enjoying being out here this week. It was pretty relaxing day playing with Eun Hee and Daniela. Had a great group. So just I was able to capitalize most of my birdie putts inside 15 feet. So, you know, things are always easy when the putts can drop.

Q. Yeah, what's it like to have a putter rolling all day long? Doesn't happen often enough.
YU LIU: Yeah, before the week started, because I use Bettinardi's putter and the rep was here and he did some adjustments with the putter. So I feel like I was rolling the ball really nice, especially when we play in the early morning. The greens are pretty smooth and pure. So just rolling the putts really nicely.

And then there are some reading here or there on the luckier side.

Q. At what point today did you realize today could be a career day?
YU LIU: I had a great week last year out here so I knew it was a very scorable golf course if your game is in the right place.

Today I wasn't really expecting anything. This is my seventh week in a row. Just trying to go out here and have fun, having my dad on the bag, you know, holiday today. Good vibes.

Q. What kind of exhaustion are you dealing with playing for your seventh week in a row?
YU LIU: Physically I'm fine. It's more on the mental side. The competition level is so high out here. You have to get very focused week in and week out. That's very demanding on my mentality.

I think from today I was doing a pretty good job. Really happy about the start.

Q. Fresh after posing for a picture with the standard bearer sign showing the lowest round of her entire life, 10-under par. Was that a round that could have been even better perhaps?
YU LIU: Yeah, I just narrowly missed my birdie putt on the last hole. You know, par-5 I hit it to the greenside bunker but didn't get up and down. Overall I'm really, really happy about my round today.

Q. Knowing the scores this course gives up year in and year out and the record set lat year by Sei Young Kim, is it a different mentality from the very getgo on the first tee?
YU LIU: Yeah, I would say it's nice. It's more relaxing than playing in majors. Out here you know there are some margin of errors that when you make a little bit of mistakes you can still make up for it, but still you have to just take it one shot at a time and try to go as low as possible.

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