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May 24, 2019

Rafael Nadal

Paris, France

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Obviously had a very good week in Rome last week. But how is the week of preparations since then, coming into Paris now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I have been at home, one day of golf, one day of family, and came back here.

Good. Having already two practices here. Good practices. Just trying to continue the preparation and just hold the level.

Q. Conditions on the new Philippe Chatrier feel any different to the old one?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, but, the feeling with the ball, the feeling with the court, personally I had the same feeling on court. No, no, I don't see a difference in terms of game experience, you know. I think the wind is going the same way, and the feeling on court is exactly the same. Then of course is a different court, and especially is a little bit different looking from, behind the royal box. For me, that's the main difference.

Q. Yesterday you saw the draw during the ceremony, obviously. Kind of looked at the whole thing. I'm curious if it's customary, check out the entire draw or is that a change in routine for you, doing that during the ceremony?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I just checked the draw. I like tennis, and I am not these ones that I don't want to know anything about the draw, no. For me is a very normal thing, look at the draw, no? No, no, is not totally about myself. Is about, you know, some friends that are playing, half the players from the academy are playing here too. Checking a little bit the draw for everybody, and I like to know a little bit the matches that are playing in the first round.

Q. I know being from Majorca, you're used to the wind. You're thought of as one of the best players in the wind. Do you ever deliberately practice in the wind?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I practice?

Q. Would you deliberately go out to practice in the windy conditions to get used to them to practice?
RAFAEL NADAL: When it's too windy in academy I go to the indoor (smiling). For me is not -- no. Of course being from an island, we have wind, yes. But if you ask me if I prefer to play with wind or without, I prefer to play without.

Another thing is normally I adapt myself well to that windy conditions.

Q. What do you like to do the last week before a Grand Slam or the last day before a Grand Slam? I guess it's too late for working on a specific shot technically, but what do you like to do? What is your routine?
RAFAEL NADAL: It depends on the moment. Is no two weeks before the Grand Slam are the same. Depends if you are playing well, depends if you're playing normal or you're playing terrible.

Is different scenarios that can happen, no? The final goal is if you are playing bad, just find solutions and try to fix it. If you are playing well, just do the things that helps to hold that good moment, and that's what we are doing, no? Just trying to keep practicing the same way that we are doing the last couple of weeks.

I feel myself playing well, being honest, and my goal is just to keep playing at that level, because these things always that I can improve, small things, and just working on small things.

But in general terms, is just about being healthy, main thing, and then just compete well and be fresh mentally and physically.

Q. There are a few changes this year at Grand Slam tournaments like the shot clock and tiebreak in deciding set. I'm wondering...

Q. The tiebreak in the deciding set. I'm wondering, what changes would you like to see?
RAFAEL NADAL: Here we have tiebreak in the fifth?

Q. No, I mean Grand Slam tournaments. In general, would you like to still keep the traditions?
RAFAEL NADAL: In what terms? In terms of game, in terms of tiebreaks? What do you mean?

Q. In the game rules.
RAFAEL NADAL: Game rules? We can talk one hour about game rules, no? There are few things that I think will be good to change to create a better show, but I am not the one that I have to create an opinion on this. I'm being honest, the players should not have a real opinion on this, because about the show, should be more about the people who run the sport. You cannot change things from today to tomorrow, but yes, you can say in eight years we gonna have this new rule, and you have to be ready for it.

And if you ask the players, you will never change anything, because if you ask me, you want to change anything? No. Of course not. I have been in a lot of success with these rules, and if you ask a lot of good players, for sure they don't want to change, because we are having good success with these rules.

But of course we need to improve, and we need to create the right show for the spectators and for the future health of our sport, and it's something that can improve. Why not the people who run the sport have to work on this? And is not only about playing tiebreaks or playing to four games the sets. It's about really change the way that we play and change something that what really affects to the game itself.

Q. Today it was announced that Laver Cup is now part of the ATP Tour regular week. Do you think that's a good thing?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I think why not? When I have been asked, I supported this. I understand is a good event. Is a good event for tennis, is a good event for the fans, and is a good event for the players, too.

So of course we cannot give points to this, because is difficult today, but I think is great news for the event and for the ATP to be part of it.

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