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June 2, 2019
Charleston, South Carolina
Q. You must be very proud of your performance, low amateur at the Open Championship. That's saying something about you as a college freshman.
GINA KIM: You know, that's just -- I honestly didn't expect this. If I've got to be 100 percent honest, I was just trying to make the cut and make it to the weekend. So finishing out as low am is definitely a testament to the amount of support I've got, the amount of work I've put in, and just I guess how much I've matured as a person and as a player.
Just being able to keep things in perspective and being able to achieve this much is truly a blessing.
Q. How much support do you get when you're away from the golf course with phone calls and texts and that kind of thing to keep you focused?
GINA KIM: Oh, I get overflowing amount of support. I mean, people from back home, they've reached out and sent messages to me. I mean, people back at Duke, they've really supported me and just, you know, kept on watching over me and checked the live scoring as well. So they gave a lot of words of encouragement.
Obviously, my relatives back home, also my relatives in Korea as well, they've been keeping up to date about what's going on in the tournament. It makes me feel grateful that I have this amazing circle of supporters around me.
Q. That's all great. You have all that support. You've got to give yourself some credit for actually doing what you did.
Q. So tell us about that.
GINA KIM: You know, I've had some confidence coming in here after coming off of my win with my team back in Arkansas for the NCAA National Championship. So I definitely felt good about my game.
My ball striking has been pretty solid, pretty consistent. Putting's pretty good. Unfortunately, the last couple of days hasn't really done much for me. I haven't made much putts.
But, you know, overall, I think this tournament helped me become a more well-rounded person in terms of my game. And, you know, it helped me realize what parts of my game I needed to work on. So I'm glad I was able to come out here and enjoy this experience.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
