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May 24, 2019

Kevin Na

Fort Worth, Texas

Q. Well, Kev, what is about Colonial, especially last few rounds? Couple of 62s and a 61. You obviously love this place.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, it's a good golf course for me. I look forward to coming here all the time. I have a pretty good record here. Just some golf courses that fit your game and you got to take advantage of those weeks, and this is one of them.

Q. Yesterday even par; today 62. What was the difference?
KEVIN NA: Oh, obviously the golf course was playing a lot tougher yesterday in the afternoon. The winds really kicked up. I know the wind is supposed to kick a little bit up this afternoon, but not as bad as yesterday.

I got off to a good start; eagled the first hole. Had a lot of good shots and I made a lot of good putts. You got to make putts to shoot 62.

Q. 164 feet of putts, and some of those birdies were over 35 feet.

Q. So putter was the hot.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, putter was definitely hot. Last year when I shot 61 I felt like I made everything. Kind of almost had that feeling today. With a few holes to go I felt like I had a chance to challenge my own course record.

I know a ton of guys got it, but, yeah, I had a chance and it was fun.

Q. I followed you a lot, and when you get that putter going you get a little giddy-up in your step. It's fun to watch. I feel like Kevin has this feel today.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, it's always a lot of fun when you're making putts. Golf seems a lot more fun and a lot easier when you're making putts.

Q. What about the weekend now? Do you feel good?
KEVIN NA: I do. If I can keep hitting it solid off the tee and keep the putter somewhat sharp I think I'll have a chance.

Q. Wind conditions? Obviously the afternoon when you play tomorrow.
KEVIN NA: Yes, supposed to be breezy all week. Who knows? Might blow, might not. They're saying it's going to blow, so you got to hit it solid and make putts, a lot of putts inside ten feet.

Q. Talk about getting started with your round the way did you today with an eagle.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, 1st hole I hit a good drive off the tee. Keeping in the fairway is huge there.

I had a biggest cut. 3-wood was too much and my hybrid is enough, so I had a big cut. Ended up about three feet and felt like a bonus starting day.

I was like, Okay, look like I'm going to make the cut. (Laughter.) Then I just kept hitting good shots and making good putts.

Q. Were you thinking albatross at any point? Was it that close?
KEVIN NA: Oh, no, no. Look, I have bad eyes. I saw it come down and bounce a little right towards the hole, and after that I look at Kenny's face. Okay, so where is it? His face expression tells me how close it is.

Q. 61, 62, 62, three of your last five rounds here.

Q. Going low here at Colonial.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I like this golf course. One of those golf courses I look forward to coming to. Fits my game; I've got a good record. You got to take advantage of those weeks because there is not too many golf courses like this on tour anymore.

Q. Where would this rank as far as golf courses on tour?
KEVIN NA: Top three.

Q. Other two?
KEVIN NA: Riviera and Hilton Head.

Q. It's a stacked field of top 10 guys and a lot of them are struggling. Any I explanation to that?
KEVIN NA: It was playing really difficult yesterday afternoon. I mean, I shot even par where I was 2-over, and I was just happy to get it to even par. I felt like it was a great round. I know it's not going to be as windy this afternoon, but when it's windy out here through these trees it's a hard golf course.

Q. (Regarding his daughter, Sophia.)
KEVIN NA: She's my good luck charm. She did the interview last year with the 62 last year and the 61, so I had a keep the tradition going.

Q. When you have a good round like that going as you've had here at Colonial, are you very conscious you're able to score low or are you more not thinking about it?
KEVIN NA: Well, yeah, I mean, with a few hole to go I knew I had a chance to challenge my course record of 61. It was fun just because you're thinking birdie, and I think that's also what kept me going.

Q. Is part of your mindset to stay in it today and maybe go a little lower tomorrow?
KEVIN NA: Yeah. I knew Friday morning is going to be playing a lot easier. Keep it somewhere within par. I made a bomb on my 17 hole, No. 8. Felt like a bonus.

But I was really happy with finishing at even par making two birdies coming in. It was a nice good momentum going into today.

Q. This round feel similar to the two rounds last year?
KEVIN NA: My 61 was much cooler. (Laughter.)

Q. You kind of alluded to this...
KEVIN NA: Especially because it's on a Sunday under.

Q. You kind of alluded to this a little bit earlier, but how many courses on tour do you feel like you can legitimately contend?
KEVIN NA: I say seven or eight. Some golf courses I feel like I have no chance. I don't play those unless it's a major and I got no choice. I won't mention any names.

Q. I was going to say, does last week count?
KEVIN NA: Uh-huh, I'm not going to say anything. You can look up my record. It's not good.

Q. How was the wind out there?
KEVIN NA: It wasn't that bad out there. I know it was supposed to pick up a little bit more, but wasn't bad at all.

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