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April 21, 2019

Captain Kathy Rinaldi

San Antonio, Texas


Q. Kathy, congratulations. Just speak to how important it was to win this tie, to be back in the World Group and not bounced back.
CAPTAIN RINALDI: Right. Yeah, obviously that was weighing on everybody's mind, but you just try to focus on the task at hand. And we're obviously thrilled to be back in the World Group.

Q. Just talk about Sonya today. I mean, you know, here she's playing a veteran who's been a top 10 player. She plays so fast, so I think she never gave her a chance to get into it. But just your overall assessment, because obviously she hadn't won a Fed Cup match before.
CAPTAIN RINALDI: Well, yeah, Sonya has really stepped up in Fed Cup play when called on. She's had some tough battles. She played unbelievable tennis in Prague, had that heartbreaker match against Strycova. And then in Asheville played a very good match against Barty.

And it was her time to shine today, and she clinched it, and I couldn't be more proud of that young lady.

Q. I know you were a Junior Fed Cup coach a few years back. Can you talk about your relationship with Sonya through the years?
CAPTAIN KATHY RINALDI: Sure. I've known Sonya and her father Alex since she was seven. I met her, I was playing a Pro celebrity event, and she was there.

And I remember her coming out and taking my place on court for one of the matches. And I thought, wow, this girl is pretty good. And she looks the same. She bounces on the court the same that she does today.

And, you know, I have known her through the juniors, working at the USTA now for 11 years. Been able to take her on some trips and spend time on court with her and her dad. Was with her at the Orange Bowl when she won that.

And as you said, she was on the Junior Fed Cup winning team as well. So we really know each other quite well.

And I'm thrilled to be able to watch her just, you know, be in the top 50 now, almost top 30. And, you know, watching her at the Grand Slams playing all these great players and seeing her hold her own has just been really rewarding to see.

Q. She told us that you let her know yesterday that she would be playing today. What went into that decision?
CAPTAIN RINALDI: Yeah, you have a whole team. We have five players on the team. And, you know, obviously Maddie struggled yesterday.

And so we have confidence in everybody, and we're one team. And when one player is down, another player picks up, and that's what Sonya and Sloane did this weekend.

Q. Sonya told us that before the match she was in tears a little bit just with all the emotions that went into it. As the captain of the team, how do you manage that with her?
CAPTAIN RINALDI: That's a good thing, I think. I think nerves are positive and can be positive.

And I've known Sonya over the years. When we played the Junior Fed Cup qualifying rounds, it came down to the doubles, and Sonya was a part of that doubles team, and she was the same exact way.

So that's something that I think is a positive because she was lights out in that doubles match, and that was to win to go to the Junior Fed Cup.

So I think just knowing her and knowing the nervous energy, you know, just to stay calm on court and maybe not get too pumped up for her, you know, maybe at certain times. But, you know, she was doing a great job of pumping herself up.

So, yeah, I think I was expecting that, and I think it works in her favor actually.

Q. Looking at Sloane's match, how would you rate how she handled a different style of opponent today?
CAPTAIN RINALDI: You know what? Sloane is unbelievable. She took it up into gear and, you know, she handled it extremely well. She handled both matches. She handled the pressure well, and that's what you expect of a great champion. She's a US Open champion.

And I'm just so proud of her for the weekend. She really stepped up.

Q. Kathy, does it feel a little different because in the previous two years obviously there was Fed Cup ahead, but now you're campaign for the season is over.
CAPTAIN RINALDI: Well, you had to bring that up.

Q. Sorry.
CAPTAIN RINALDI: I know. I'm disappointed of course. I love Fed Cup weeks.

But, you know, I'm just so proud that we were able to pull this off. I mean, Switzerland has a really crafty squad and really good players there, as you said, a former top 10 who knows how to play and is good under pressure.

So I'm glad that we ended our year on a high note, and we'll look forward to next year.

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