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April 20, 2019

Rafael Nadal

Monte Carlo, Monaco


6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Can you explain your vision of the match today?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. Vision is clear. I played a very bad game against a good player, so in that situation, you have to lose. That's what I did this afternoon.

Q. Did you feel something special this morning when you warmed up, or it's just when it start that you felt it was not a good day?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, was a bad feeling. Was a tough day and was a difficult opponent. I am coming from low moments in terms of injuries, and in terms of the mental side have been not easy to accept all the things that have been going on during the last times.

So just was this kind of day that everything was wrong. I probably played one of the worst matches on clay in 14 years. So when that happens, you have to lose. And today I deserve to lose because I played against a player that was better than me today.

Q. Do you think we were expecting too much out of you because you were just coming back from injury? Were you expecting to have these kind of issues this week, or are you also surprised of how it went?
RAFAEL NADAL: What I expected, I always expected the best. Then you have to be ready to accept the negative things, and today was a negative day.

And that's it. No, that's all. No, no, just opportunity lost in a very important event for me. I'm sad for that, of course. But it's true that even if that was a good chance for me to start the clay court season in a perfect way, have been, yeah, a bad day. That's all.

No, no, is difficult to explain more. We can talk about technical or tactical things, but is kind of day that feeling is not there at all. When this kind of stuff happens, is difficult to find explanation for the rest of stuff.

Q. Is there something about your game today that you were satisfied of, that you would say, for example, your capacity of movement or...
RAFAEL NADAL: If I am satisfied?

Q. Something you are satisfied of.
RAFAEL NADAL: You arrived late, because I said I played one of the worst matches in 14 years.

Q. I wasn't here.
RAFAEL NADAL: Okay. You know then now. Difficult to find positive ways today.

Q. May you talk about what you were thinking about at 5-0? Because you sat and you didn't use your towel, didn't drink, like, 30 seconds, looking, I don't know. What was going in your mind at that moment?
RAFAEL NADAL: Nothing. No, just waiting for the end of the match, because I tried until that moment. I tried in the 3-0, I tried in the 4-0, but then with the 5-0, 30-Love, is over, or 40-Love, it's over.

Yeah, I was lucky to win that two games and to avoid the even worse score. But the final result is the same, so don't make a big difference. I was not thinking much. Just thinking about how bad I played today and just to, at some point, understand the things.

Problem sometimes is we are used to be very, very solid all the time, and even coming back from injuries, winning and winning and winning, and things are not easy, no? And after one year and a half, without having the chance to play tournaments in a row and a lot of stuff happened, is more difficult to hold sometimes the level every single day when you don't have confidence in tournaments in a row, no, or matches in a row.

And that's what I needed probably to know that the half level, I have it. Even if I have been very competitive all the tournaments that I have been playing, all these stops create some nonstability in terms of you know that you have this 60 or 70% of your level, 100%. Then some days you have that 90 or 100, but this 70, you have it always. That's why I have been able to win all the things that I won, especially on clay. And today seems like I had during the previous days, but is always more difficult when all these things are going on.

Q. Would it be easy or hard to go back on practice court tomorrow morning?
RAFAEL NADAL: Hard. That's all.

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