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April 19, 2019

Rafael Nadal

Monte Carlo, Monaco

R. NADAL/G. Pella

7-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Did you feel uncomfortable with the fact that he's a left-hander? Because I see you struggle a little with your forehand and on the diagonal during two forehands.
RAFAEL NADAL: Always is a change, but that's all. No, no, no. Is nothing to complain about it. No, no, for him is the same situation, and I am used to play against left-handed players. So it was not the problem.

Was a tough beginning of the match. I missed a couple of balls that have been really important, and have been tough mentally to be 4-1 losing all the serves.

But then I have been able to escape that game, and I know that game was the key, 4-1 to 4-2 or 5-1 makes a big difference. 4-2 was still alive on the set. 5-1, almost impossible, no?

That game was decisive, and I was lucky to win that one. So, yeah, after that, match changed a lot.

Q. When you have a difficult day like today, is it easier to build on this for the next day what you want to improve than a 6-1, 6-1 in 50 minutes?
RAFAEL NADAL: Tennis have these kind of things no? You need to accept every day the situation. Every day is a different day against a different opponent, different feelings. One day is windy; one day is not windy.

One day you have better feelings; another day you have a little bit worse feelings. The important thing, at the end of the day, is accept everything. Knowing that anything can happen is easier to accept, and then just find a way to be through when the day is not perfect for you, because then you have another chance the next day.

Matches like today, being honest, helps even if I don't play my best for moments. If I am able to recover myself well, I believe in terms of physical performance, in terms of confidence, in terms of battling every point, have been an important match for me.

Q. We don't know yet if you're going to play against Borna, but what do you remember from the week you had with him in Manacor, like, five or six years ago?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't remember much. I'm being honest. If I tell you things about it, I gonna lie you, because I don't have that good memory anymore (smiling).

I remember a young kid hitting strong and playing very well, no? Today he's where he is because he deserves. He play well in all the surfaces. He's very competitive. If it's Borna, gonna be a tough one.

And if it's Fabio, too, because he's a big, talented player, one of the biggest talents on this sport. And he's able to win against everybody when he's playing well, and I believe that he's playing well.

Q. Did you have a little time to watch a little bit the match before yours, of Novak?

Q. What do you think about what you saw?
RAFAEL NADAL: Have been a good match. Yeah, the match looks like gonna be for Novak at the third set, because winning that second set, tough one, looks like Daniil was a little bit more tired.

Is true that Novak, I think, played a bad game in the 2-1, I think so. And then Daniil played well. He's playing so well. He already won a lot of good matches in this event.

Always, when Novak lose, always seems strange because he's super solid. But everybody is human, no? And every day you play against another opponent that wants to win, too. That's how it works. This is sport.

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