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April 18, 2019

Rafael Nadal

Monte Carlo, Monaco

R. NADAL/G. Dimitrov

6-4, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How did you feel today? How much did the wind have an impact on the game?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I felt good. I think that the first set was a high-quality set of tennis. Then the second set was a little bit more mistakes and the wind even was more later in the match.

The wind is for both of us, and of course always have an impact. That's what happen when you play outdoors. These things are part of the game and just try to be ready for it. And for everybody, much better play with, like yesterday, with no wind at all. But that's interesting, too. You have to adapt. You have to find solutions.

Q. How far do you feel from your best? Even about Grigor, how far is he from his best shape? What do you think about that?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. That's the work of every day. I can't tell you I am at 80 or Grigor is at 70. That's not works like this.

I am happy the way that I am playing. The first two rounds I played more than enough well to win. I had two confident scores against two good players. So I can talk for myself; not for the others. That's why I am happy. First matches after an injury, that's always a tough thing to come back. At the same time, different surface, on clay after almost a year.

So that's a good start for me on the clay court season. Tomorrow is another opportunity to play against a good player, because he's playing well. He already won three good matches. So he will be with big confidence, and I need to be ready to try to find solutions again tomorrow, no?

Every victory is important for the confidence. Is important for the improvements. Hopefully today's victory helps for tomorrow, too.

Q. May you talk about differences between clays on tour? Not in terms of the bounce but regarding the way you move on clay, you slide. Do you think there is a difference between here, Barcelona, Rome, Madrid, Paris under your feet?
RAFAEL NADAL: The clay is not the same in every tournament. That's obvious. I don't feel is a big, big difference, you know.

Yeah, probably here and Roland Garros are the ones that are most similar in terms of the clay, because is very thin clay. Madrid, I think, is a little bit like this, too, but the altitude makes the difference.

And Rome and Barcelona are different clays. Is the clay with bigger clay but in good shape. If you tell me what I prefer, I like this kind of clay, the thinner one. But, for me, if the court is in good shape, I really don't see a big, big difference. I don't really believe that makes a difference on the game.

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