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April 11, 2019

J.B. Holmes

Augusta, Georgia

Q. 2‑under to start your Masters. How would you characterize your round?
J.B. HOLMES: I hit the ball really well and if I hit a bad shot I got a good bounce. But we hit it to our spots and it was just a really pretty simple round. I didn't really make a lot of putts, but I hit the ball in the right spot and kind of had easy pars.

Q. How did the course play ‑‑ is the course playing a little differently than it did than the first couple of days you were practicing out there?
J.B. HOLMES: Yeah, it played a little bit different. Obviously they had the pins a lot tougher today. They had some tough spots. And the greens were a little bit faster because they got so much rain earlier, but if we can get this type of weather it will keep getting firmer. But other than that it pretty much played the same.

Q. Do you feel like you left maybe a couple shots out on the par‑5s?
J.B. HOLMES: Oh, yeah, absolutely I left a few shots out there. Like I said, I had a lot of uphill putts that I didn't make. I had a couple par‑5s I didn't hit a good drive. So overall I left some out there, but everybody can say that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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