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April 6, 2019

Alena Sharp

Rancho Mirage, California

Q. Second best round of the tournament on moving day. What got into you on the course today?
ALENA SHARP: Honestly, started from hole No. 1. I hit a nice shot into six feet, made the putt, and just really settled down. I drove it well. I hit the ball fairly close to the flags. The greens I found were pretty receptive playing a little bit earlier. I took advantage of that and rolled the putter very well today and drove it well. You have to do that here with the rough being so long and the greens being so slick.

Q. And you capitalized birdieing 7 through 9. This your tenth appearance at the ANA Inspiration, but this year you had to play your way in. What has it meant to you to be able to take advantage of that opportunity you gave yourself?
ALENA SHARP: It's amazing to be here. This is the second time I've played my way into the ANA. I played well in Australia. It wasn't a goal to get into this tournament, but it just happened that I played well and I got in.

I love this course. I love playing here. I'm really excited to be here and be one the 14 that qualified. It means a lot to me the hard work that I put in the off season is paying off.

Q. What did you work on in the off-season?
ALENA SHARP: Got in the gym a little more. I definitely created more power. Did a lot of rotational work in the gym and worked hard with my coach, Chris Saunders, over the winter.

Worked on putting a lot and it's starting to pay off. I'm really happy.

Q. What did you hope to take way from your game today heading into the final 18?
ALENA SHARP: Honestly, I just want to kind of the same thing I did today tomorrow: come out, have a nice warmup, and then just go out there and just play one shot at a time. I did that in Australia and had a good Sunday, so just going to kind of remember that feeling and try and bring it into tomorrow.

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