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April 5, 2019

Pimnipa Panthong

Jaravee Boonchant

Augusta, Georgia

Q. How was it out there today?
PIMNIPA PANTHONG: It's pretty nice. The course is in very good shape, and it's very beautiful out there.

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: It's really nice playing here today. It's actually harder than I expected. Like on the TV, I thought it's going to be flat, but it's actually like a lot more elevation out there than I expected. But it's really beautiful and I enjoyed playing.

Q. Was that your biggest surprise? What was your biggest surprise when you saw the course, that it was more hilly?
JARAVEE BOONCHANT: Yeah, and also, I expect my ball to more than that, but it actually didn't roll at all.

Q. What are you most excited about in this tournament? Before you came here, what were you most excited about?
PIMNIPA PANTHONG: To play on this course, the Augusta, because I've never been here before, and only like watch it on TV, so I'm very excited to play.

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: Yeah, same here, I've never been here, only watch it on TV with my friends. Being here is just really amazing and it's a good opportunity to I'm really excited for tomorrow.

Q. You guys like really good friends?

Q. How long have you known each other?
JARAVEE BOONCHANT: For a long time, since junior golf when we were back in Thailand.

Q. Woman to woman, what are you going to wear tomorrow? Do you have your outfit sorted?
PIMNIPA PANTHONG: My shirt is going to be white stripe and blue, and then white skort.

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: I'm thinking about wearing white shirt, black pants and white Duke hat.

Q. What's the plan for tomorrow, and do you think -- you are still in contention. Do you think you will be able to make a charge at the leaders?
PIMNIPA PANTHONG: I mean, I'm just going to go play and enjoy the course as much as I can, trying to not put too much pressure on myself, just trying to do my best.

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