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March 29, 2019

Justin Thomas

Austin, Texas

Q. Obviously just not the way you wanted to finish the match.
JUSTIN THOMAS: I think it's pretty obvious, yeah, you don't really deserve to win if you're going to three-putt.

Q. Thoughts on the next two weeks going into Augusta?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, it's been a frustrating couple of tournaments but I feel like I've played a lot better than the scores show. But we obviously have a lot of work to do before I get my game to where it needs to be.

Q. What is it you're working on that you need --
JUSTIN THOMAS: Everything needs to tighten up. I feel I'm driving the ball well. I feel like I'm putting good, not making everything, but everything needs to get better.

Q. Presidents Cup is in December, do you think this is kind of the strongest team you've seen potentially?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Well, yeah, we don't know what the team is yet, so it's kind of hard to say what the team is going to be like.

Q. What do you think it will be like to play with Tiger?
JUSTIN THOMAS: I mean, it will be cool. I had the chance the last couple of teams to play with me. So it's not anything I'm too unfamiliar with, but it would be cool to play for him as the actual captain.

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