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March 27, 2019

Kevin Na

Austin, Texas

Q. Kevin, you were able to win four or your final six holes, how were you able to grab momentum in this match and ultimately win?
KEVIN NA: You know, I wasn't playing that bad, just the putts weren't falling. I felt like I was playing solid and I made a mistake on 7 and put it in the water. But then it was a great recovery making par, and Bubba had a tough two-putt, so I halved the hole. And I felt like I basically picked one up, even though I only halved the hole. I think that kind of changed the momentum.

I hit a few good shots, made a few good birdies and turned it around.

Q. You've been battling a bit of a neck problem, too, and to beat the defending champ and to get that first match under your belt, how gratifying is it for you?
KEVIN NA: Anytime you beat the two-time champion, it's a great feeling. Bubba is a defending champion, great player. We're good buddies. We'd been exchanging some texts before the match today.

Q. What did he say?
KEVIN NA: He asked me to WD with him. He was kidding, obviously. I said, "Have you heard of this Austin guy?" He said, "Yeah, he's old and slow." I said, "I'm sure he's a pretty good golfer."

Q. Perhaps your match against the defending champion sums up match play; there was so much momentum switches. You're on the 13th tee, 2-down, you win three holes in a row. Bubba squares up the match with a great sandy birdie at 16. You trade birdies at 17. Then I thought Bubba had the advantage here on the 18th. Just a really up-and-down match.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, it was an exciting match. Bubba got off to a good start. He was playing well. Obviously defending champion, he's a heck of a player. I was trying to get within -- not lose too much holes, within striking distance where I can change the momentum. That's the thing about match play. I think the key moment was me not going 3-down on 11. Kind of kept me in it -- or 12, I should say. And then I made a few birdies, got it back to even. I was even 1-up.

And 16 I thought I made that putt. I hit a great putt. And Bubba, what a great up-and-down he got from that bunker. And 17 we both made great clutch birdies.

And 18, him being able to drive this green, I feel like I'm at a little bit of a disadvantage, but then I applied the pressure inside ten feet with a wedge. And he got a little unlucky with a lot of sand in that bunker there.

Q. I really admire your dedication on that tee. It would be easy to say, I'm going away from my game plan, I'm going to drive down there and you just stick to it, hit the iron off the tee and end up winning the match.
KEVIN NA: I've got to stick to my game. Kenny and I, we've been working together 11 years. We know what we're doing. We do sometimes change game plans and we both have to agree. We both agreed that it's a 4-iron off the tee to that pin and -- because with a strong wedge game, it's got to be inside ten feet.

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