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March 25, 2019
Miami, Florida
P. KVITOVA/C. Garcia
6-3, 6-3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How are you feeling after today's win?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, I think I played great match today from the beginning, which I'm very pleased with. Of course with the rain delay it's always makes some troubles.
Had a quick nap, and, you know, it's always kind of different and difficult coming back to the court. I felt pretty tight in those two games, and I'm very glad that I was able to finish it with good serves in the last game.
Q. Has that happened to you before when you were a game away and it started pouring like that?
PETRA KVITOVA: I don't know, but I'm pretty (indiscernible) so I think so.
Q. Regarding on-court coaching, I'm wondering how important and valuable you think it is.
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, I think for some players it's very helpful, I think. Sometimes, for me, sometimes I use it, sometimes not. It depends on my mood and my thoughts.
There are days we do have it in WTA but not on the Grand Slams. That's probably the biggest differences that we have. Yeah.
Q. What about the difference between the fact that the men's tour doesn't have it and the women's tour does? Some people claim, well, this kind of puts women in a bad light, like they need extra help. Do you feel there is any validity to that criticism?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, I think that people can look to us like this, yeah. I think so. From my point, I think the tennis is pretty individual sport, so I think it just should stay like that. But if we have that option to use it, why we don't, right? So yeah.
Q. Do you feel that it favors either the top players because they tend to have very good coaches and can afford to have them, or does it favor the struggling younger players who maybe could really use the extra help to build their confidence on court?
PETRA KVITOVA: Actually, I don't think it's helping the top players. I think it's more for help since like the beginning of the tournaments. I think top players are there because they kind of know what to do if anything is happening.
But of course there is, like, a time when it's helping, too, but I don't really think, like, when we look at the Grand Slams or everything they're hard to play, as well. Depends.
Q. Has a coaching visit ever changed a match for you in a significant way where, say, you turned it around because of the advice you received during the visit?
PETRA KVITOVA: I think yes. Sometimes, for sure, it happen. But I don't think it's like that big deal.
Q. Obviously a great result so far, just into the quarterfinals. What do you think has been the difference this week? Just because this has been a tournament that hasn't always played into your hands.
PETRA KVITOVA: It's different venue. That is different. But, well, we had pretty humid today, like, on the sun was pretty hot today, as well, which I don't really like.
But on the other hand I see the working hard and those practices and whatever the experience is helping, as well. So I'm glad that I'm able to kind of, you know, be there and be fit for those kind of matches, as well.
Q. A familiar opponent next. Third time this year.
Q. Always tricky.
Q. Can you talk about playing Ash, please.
PETRA KVITOVA: Yeah. Actually, I just found out when I have been off the court. Obviously I like Ash. She's a great person, great player.
We played two times already in kind of different conditions but in Australia, which I think she really likes. It's always pretty difficult and it's very tricky match. She can mix it up a lot. That's why I need to be ready. It will be totally different compared to today's match, for sure.
Q. I wanted to ask about another player who you've played twice this year, also, who mixes it up even more, which is Hsieh Su-Wei. I'm curious how you would describe the challenge of playing her and what she does to you.
PETRA KVITOVA: I think that she's bringing something unusual to the game. You know, she looks like, I don't really care, I'm just here, I'm just walking.
But then, like, when she started to play, it's like, Oh, my God, where she's putting those balls? You can't really see where she's putting those balls.
It's pretty difficult. I mean, she's very, very talented player, like with the great hand and great touch, for sure.
I think, because I played her, I knew that I think last year she had, like, the best percentage winning point from the second serve, which is pretty interesting, as well. I'm not sure what her ranking was in the end of the last year, but, yeah, it's something very unusual. She doesn't have, like, that great speed, but something is there, for sure. She likes to move forever there, as well. Yeah, she's a great mover, as well.
Q. Is there anybody even close to her playing style? Is she out here playing, you know, basketball when everyone else is playing golf or something? Just completely different game?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, not me probably, right? I think that everyone from us is pretty unique, but she's more unique than us, for sure (smiling).
Q. You were drinking a lot of coffee at the start of the tournament. I'm curious if you did anything fun on your day off, maybe a little bit more exciting than that?
PETRA KVITOVA: I didn't, actually. Nothing interesting. I came yesterday to hit, which is pretty unusual, so that was very interesting for me to hit here in a day off, and then it's not really much time to do anything else. So I was resting. Sorry (smiling).
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