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March 22, 2019
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
THE MODERATOR: Congratulations, Bo. Talk about your match? Got the pin at the end, talk about what went into that?
BO NICKAL: I felt like I came out a little slow, was probably riding a little too hard. But I just kept wrestling, kept working through it. I think when I got the pin is when I started getting my second wind, feeling a little bit better. But he put his head close to his knees, so that's over.
Q. Bo, maybe more than anyone in recent history, you've had the most topsy-turvy road of emotions at this tournament and in the finals. How has it helped you grow personally and as a wrestler?
BO NICKAL: I just think one thing it taught me is my identity isn't in wrestling, you know? Win or lose, I'm still the same person and my family loves me and I still serve a great God, and, you know, that's just part of his plan for my life is to wrestle. So I do feel like it's important, but at the end of the day that's not what defines me. I just have placed my identity in Jesus Christ and I go out there and compete freely and the best I can every match.
Q. Bo, you just mentioned there you saw that he brought his knee up. Are you seeing things happen before they happen? That's why you're getting all these pins?
BO NICKAL: Yeah, definitely. I mean, not only am I visualizing before the match just about every situation I could be in and every situation I probably visualize 10, 12, 15 different ways to pin the guy before every match and most of the time one of them happens. But, yeah, that's something I've been doing. My parents brought an old camcorder and I was watching videos of me when I was six or seven, eight years old and I was doing the same thing. There are certain situations where I feel like if a guy makes one little wrong move he's done and I take advantage of it.
Q. Bo, to watch those videos of yourself wrestling when you were younger and to have this last match in a Penn State setting, what emotions are running through your head?
BO NICKAL: I would say gratitude. I've come such a long way and there are so many people that that have put energy and time and effort into me. My coaches at Penn State and my parents have lugged me around the country since I was really little and I feel incredibly grateful for the people in my life and the things that wrestling has allowed me to do and the places it's taken me. So I'm definitely excited for the opportunity and very, very grateful.
Q. Bo, obviously you've had success against Kollin this year twice, but just describe wrestling him, his style, what he brings to the mat.
BO NICKAL: He's definitely a tough competitor. He's somebody that's going to wrestle me for seven minutes. That's something I'm excited about, somebody that's going to attack. He's not a guy that tries to grab a wrist and hold on. I think he did a little more in the second match, but once the match started going he definitely opened up. So I'm looking forward to just wrestling hard and it will be an exciting competition because I know he's going to come out and give 100% and he's going to bring it and I'm going to bring it, too.
THE MODERATOR: Congratulations, Bo.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
