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March 12, 2019
Indian Wells, California
6-2, 3-6, 6-2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Bad luck today. One of our very close mutual friends, Gil Reyes, someone who every time your name comes up, he smiles like you're smiling right now and speaks so glowingly of you. After a tough day like today, what are some of the things Gil would say to you that always seems to improve a player's perspective?
SIMONA HALEP: That a loss is not like you lose the battle. I have to learn what I have done wrong today and just looking forward for tomorrow. It's a new day. And that I have enough power to move forward even if I lost today. And to believe in myself. He always told me that.
Actually, I met him few years ago before No. 1 and Grand Slam, and his words help me a lot always.
Q. Just can you talk through the match today? What do you think were the difficulties? Just talk through it.
SIMONA HALEP: Yeah, I think she played really well today. I found the rhythm after the second set. I felt like I can win that match.
But after that first game, I lost a lot of energy, those balls, and I feel like I rushed a little bit more after, and I made some mistakes. Then she dominated the match.
I think I played a little bit wrong. I was running too much and too defensive. But it's everything I could do today, and I just want to chill now and then to see how I have to play better against her.
Q. What's your sense of that Stadium 2 court in terms of how different it plays compared to Stadium 1?
SIMONA HALEP: Yeah, it's a little bit too noisy, because the people are talking nonstop. But we are in the same position, both of the players. I don't pay much attention on that. I just try to focus on every point.
Q. She's quite young. How aware were you of her before the match? Was there anything about her game that surprised you today?
SIMONA HALEP: Because she's lefty is a little bit difficult. We don't get to play that much with lefties. The ball was coming opposite spin and was tough to get the rhythm.
I knew that she's young, and she has nothing to lose today. And also that she has a good form right now.
So I expected a tough match, and I knew that it's going to be very difficult.
Q. What do the next few days look like for you now? Do you stay here and get a couple of days off or will you try and adjust to the new environment in Miami?
SIMONA HALEP: Two days off. I will stay here. I will try to relax myself because I feel a little bit tired. Were tough matches.
I will stay here because it's quiet, and then I will have enough time to get used to Miami.
Q. Now that you have won a major championship, are these losses a little bit easier to shake off? There is a little bit less pressure and you know that every week you will have these tough battles. And also, do you look forward again to the clay court season knowing that's where you have had your best result?
SIMONA HALEP: Yes (praying hands). My ankles are hurting. I'm looking forward to the clay court.
Yeah, the losses are easier now. I shake it off faster, but still, I'm disappointed and upset. Actually, today I cried after a long time. It's normal. And I give 100% of my inside on every match, every tournament, so that's why I suffer a little bit when I lose. But I learn from these matches.
I'm looking forward for the next week, next tournament, and I won't give up.
Q. Why did you let loose the emotion after this match? And then secondly, what's the worst kind of post-loss cry you ever had?
SIMONA HALEP: The cry was, the worst one, was after French Open final 2017. I think everyone knows that and feels that.
And today I just, yeah, it just came (smiling). Yeah, I cried a little bit, because I felt that I need to cry. I suffer for every loss. So I think it's a good thing.
Q. Wouldn't it just sometimes be easier to do it the way Nick does it and shatter a frame instead of the crying afterward?
SIMONA HALEP: We are different, thanks God. (Smiling.) And everyone is showing the emotions in own way.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
