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February 28, 2019

Yu Liu

Republic of Singapore

Q. What a great round and exciting finish. Can you tell us about your round today?
YU LIU: Yeah, I'm have happy about the scores today. 4-under on this course, definitely I'll take 4-under any day.

The condition was pretty calm, so it was -- I would say it's a lot more scorable than the practice rounds earlier this week.

So I just really took advantage of my early tee time, as well. It was pretty calm on my front nine. The wind picked up a little bit maybe after 10th hole. But overall, I just hit the ball pretty solid and made some putts from the mid-range.

Q. So quite a few people are saying the course is playing quite hard this year. It's settled a bit more and there's difficulties in the run-offs? Are you finding it in excellent condition but hard play?
YU LIU: Yeah, we received an e-mail yesterday saying the greens were too firm to hold any balls, so they have been watering the greens a little bit. They are a lot more scorable today.

Q. Talk a little about your birdies that you managed especially the last one.
YU LIU: Oh, yeah. 17 I just 3-putted from a pretty long putt, and it was a little frustrating.

So the last hole I just really wanted to finish strong and make up for it. So I hit a pretty good tee shot. Put myself in a good position for the approach and then I had like an 18-footer for birdie and then I just hit it very aggressively and it hit the middle.

Q. So did you play last week?
YU LIU: Yeah.

Q. Did you play in Australia, as well?
YU LIU: Yeah, I played -- this is my fourth week in a row.

Q. Some girls are saying they are a bit tired. Are you feeling good energy?
YU LIU: I did feel a bit tired today. The first hole, I hit like 20 yards short on my wedge, which resulted in a bogey. But after that, it just really woke me up a little bit and then just -- and then I birdied the next hole and it got me going.

Q. When you do a start, like when you start with a bogey, how do you sort of shake it off and relax, first hole, only one hole?
YU LIU: That was a little frustrating because I would say that was one of the easiest holes on the course and I knew there were a lot more tougher holes coming. But just stay within my shot and try to be more aggressive on putting.

Q. And you've come through the HSBC Junior Programme, so how special is it to play in the HSBC Women's World Championship?
YU LIU: It meant so much because ten years ago, I got this opportunity playing as a junior golfer with two other girls from China to come play in the Pro-Am. I just had a blast and that really kind of set my goals, my career goals, because I just want to be -- because before that, I didn't really know what to expect playing golf. But afterwards, I just felt like this is really something that I wanted to achieve. Just from then on, I've been working pretty hard.

Q. And that was here, was it?
YU LIU: Yes.

Q. And do you remember how played with?
YU LIU: We just played one par 3 hole with a bunch of players.

Q. Any of them stand out?
YU LIU: Lorena Ochoa and Yani Tseng.

Q. That was when you decided you wanted to be professional?
YU LIU: Yeah, because I got -- I kind of got a very clear idea of what a professional golfer's life looked like.

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