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February 16, 2019
Charlotte, North Carolina
Q. So the headband is going to be a thing in the All-Star Game?
BRADLEY BEAL: Yeah, I think I'm going to keep it going.
Q. You took the headband off the other night. Why?
BRADLEY BEAL: I was pissed. I don't know why. I didn't mean to. I did, but I didn't. I wanted to put it back on, but I never did. I was mad about that.
Q. You realize you're teammates?
Q. Did you apologize?
BRADLEY BEAL: No. It was T.B. [Wizards rookie Troy Brown]. He'll be all right.
Q. What's it like being here the second year?
BRADLEY BEAL: I feel more here, like I feel more like I belong in a way. It's like just pretty much embracing it. It's not as busy as it was last year, but it's definitely something that I'm having fun with. I'm embracing it, like I said, and just taking it a day at a time for sure and just enjoying every single moment.
Q. Do you remember any sets last year during the All-Star Game?
BRADLEY BEAL: We didn't have plays. It was straight pick-and-roll and shoot. That's all we did, penetrate if you can, and just kick off of threes.
Q. On his All-Star goals:
BRADLEY BEAL: I'm hoping to get a lot of rest honestly, but that's just me. I never have like goals coming into it. I just want to have fun. Playing against guys, playing with guys I probably won't ever get to play with in my career and given the opportunity to just be able share the floor is cool. So I just enjoy it in that aspect and not just try to come out and fill up a stat sheet. I'll wait for the season to do that.
Q. Do you look back at all to 12-year-old you and what he would be thinking about being here?
BRADLEY BEAL: I was actually thinking about it with my brothers yesterday. I had a conversation with them. And I was just saying, it's so surreal just being here, being in the NBA, let alone being an All-Star. None of us would have dreamed that, of this happening, and it happening this fast in a way. I grew up in St. Louis, went to high school, just hoping to get to college. My parents just wanted us all to get D-I scholarships. Sure enough, I made it to the NBA as a third pick, and here I am a two-time All Star. I never would have imagined that.
So my journey is awesome in my eyes. It's amazing. I still have a long way to go.
Q. What about being teammates with D-Wade?
BRADLEY BEAL: It's amazing. I love it. I'm glad I don't have to give my number up, though. It's definitely fun to be able to share the floor with him for the last time, he and Dirk. To be out here with two legends, especially D-Wade, man. That's somebody I looked up to playing. Man, it's going to be my honor for sure, to be able to step out there with him and play and just have some fun. I think it will be awesome.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
