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January 26, 2019

Rafael Nadal

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

(Transcribed from recorded interview.)

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. With Novak, how do you assess this rivalry in your career? He said yesterday you were his biggest rival.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, is all the time the same for us. I can say Novak, Roger have been part of these rivalries. I really enjoy both. At the same time I feel lucky to have these rivals because that's push me a lot.

At the same time have been probably I shared all my career with the two best players of the history, probably with me, maybe Rod Laver. But at the same time that's a very demanding thing.

Have been a very special moment that we share together in the court with Novak during all our careers in the most important stages. We push each other to the limit of our tennis level. Tomorrow going to be another episode.

Q. He said probably you help him to adjust a little bit his game, to push a little bit. It's the same for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: I will say all the rivals you have in front that feel like are you or better than you, like Novak, like Roger, like Andy sometimes, I don't say without them I will not keep improving, because I always have my personal motivation. But I say one thing: when you have rivals like this in front, is easier to have a clear view about the things you have to improve.

That's the main reason probably why Roger, Novak and me, we're still here, because we pushed each other during a lot of years.

Q. You've been very impressive the whole tournament. In your semifinal, it was just amazing. You said you adapt your game to your age. Do you adapt it also to your opponents? The game you have now, will it help you to find the solution against Novak?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no? I think I found solutions against Novak during all my career, and he found solutions against me. Is always about moments. In his best moments, he's so difficult to beat. In my best moments, I have been a tough opponent, too. Depends on the surfaces, too.

I can't tell you, is my first event since the US Open. It's true that during the last two years when I've been competing, I have been winning a lot. But last year in terms of injuries, having a tough year, too.

But here we are, start of another year, and I really enjoying again the competition. Let's see.

Q. Are you surprised honestly by the level you have now at the tournament? You rebuild your body during the off-season. You were in Brisbane. Are you surprised a little bit with your level?
RAFAEL NADAL: You're asking about surprise. I am surprised. I am happy more than surprised. I happy because I did a good off-season, good work out there with the team. I am happy that I am competing that well that early. That's the most important thing.

Surprise or not, I always expect positive things. I feel myself playing well before the tournament. I said in the press conference before the tournament, I feeling well. Then you have to compete, see if you can make that happen in the competition. So I am very happy to that have feeling again. Of course, is little bit surprising that it happen that early.

But, you know, I know I can't lose tournaments when I am healthy in terms of try to prepare because is the beginning, no? I have to be ready from the beginning when I am healthy, and that's what I try.

Q. For many people, one year and a half ago, the record of 20 Grand Slams of Roger Federer was inaccessible.
RAFAEL NADAL: He didn't have 20 two years ago.

Q. Now you are on the race. Novak is on the race. For many people, the next years could be totally crazy with a big battle for the record.
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I don't take it like this. I always say the same: I do my way, then when I finish my career, we'll see where I am, where Roger is, where Novak is.

Q. It's not a goal for you to reach that record?
RAFAEL NADAL: My goal is always the same: just be happy what I am doing. I am more than happy, satisfied about all the career that I had since that moment. My real goal is just try to keep doing the things that I am doing as long as possible, of course, giving me chances to compete at the highest level. If I'm able to make that happen, maybe I will keep have chances to win.

Q. Do you have an idea of what it might take you tomorrow to be able to win? How do you see this final?
RAFAEL NADAL: I see a difficult one, as always, against a player like Novak, especially when he was playing well. Will be a tough one. I need to be 100% ready for the action. At the same time it is a motivation for me to play against a player like him in this very important place against the No. 1 of the world when he's playing so well, too.

Let's see. For me is a motivation. I am excited about that match.

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