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January 17, 2019

Ariya Jutanugarn

Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Q. So first round of the year, are you pleased?
ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Actually, I'm so nervous. I didn't play golf for so long. I have a new caddie. So everything is so new. After a while, I realized I have to play golf. So I'm getting better.

Q. How did you and your caddie get along?
ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Pretty good. He did a good job. He keeps me calm and really positive, really good attitude.

Q. In this sort of a format, it doesn't appear -- it's supposed to be more relaxed. I'm surprised you were more nervous.
ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Because I didn't play for so long, especially play with them, I feel upset. He hit like 60 yards past me. Every hole he has a chance to make eagle, and I thought, maybe I'm not that good.

Q. Which one hit it 60 yards past you?

Q. Josh Beckett?

Q. Now, did you know who they were prior to playing with them?
ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I didn't know, but I know they are baseball players. I know both of them are really famous. And nobody asked me for an autograph. They all asked them.

Q. Really?
ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Asked them for autographs and pictures. Nobody wants me.

Q. Did you guys talk? Did you talk to them while you were playing?
ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Yeah, I talked to them -- what's his name?

Q. Josh and Kevin.
ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Kevin is so nice. He keeps talking to me the whole time. He's so nice.

Q. Sounds like a fun day.
ARIYA JUTANUGARN: So much fun, yeah.

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