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January 7, 2019
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. It's always a long flight from Perth to Sydney. How's the body and mind feeling?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Good. I have a little bit jet lag still because it's three hours' difference and we just arrived yesterday.
I'm feeling good. I mean, the body is good. I hit already this morning with the rain (smiling).
No, I'm feeling good to being here. It's nice to, yeah, trying to defending my title here.
Q. You played a lot of matches over there. Did you get what you wanted out of that week?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Yeah. You know, it was just the beginning of the new season for me in Perth. I had four really good matches.
I was trying to, you know, to making the transition from the practice court to the match courts. I was feeling, from match to match, better and better. And I think, yeah, I can see, of course, that I'm feeling good and the rhythm is there.
Q. You obviously had a lot of success here last year. Was that part of the reason why you wanted to come back? And you had such a good year after that start. Was that part of the reason to come back to the same tournament?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Yeah, that's why I'm coming every year back, because I really love this tournament. You know, you have, yeah, a really strong field here with really top players and to have a lot of matches before going to Melbourne and then finding your confidence. And enjoying Sydney as well a little bit before going then to the busy Melbourne, it's always, yeah, for me, a good start of the year.
Q. Who do you see as your main competition at the Australian Open? Who are you looking out for in particular?
Q. Yes, in Melbourne.
ANGELIQUE KERBER: From the players?
Q. Yes.
ANGELIQUE KERBER: I think there are lots of good players, and, you know, when you start the year, you never know where you are staying, how the others also had the preparation, and that's why I choose also to play here to, yeah, to getting in the new season, having the tournament feeling again.
You know, I think there are a lot of good and young players they are coming, so there is no just one -- yeah, there is not just one favorite player now.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
