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January 5, 2019

Roberto Bautista Agut

Doha, Qatar


6-4, 3-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please, in English.

Q. You have spoken about your reaction to the victory. What do you think it means for the rest of your season? Do you think - you'll go up one ranking, do you think you will go up into the top 20 and even further into 2019?
ROBERTO BAUTISTA AGUT: It was a great start to the season, of course. The best thing I wish is to feel good physically, mentally, like I am now, like I felt this week. And if this happens, I think I can get closer and get better in the rankings and why not be closer to top ten.

Q. Coming back after six years, did you ever visualize you would be lifting this trophy when you arrived in Doha?
ROBERTO BAUTISTA AGUT: Well, it's always a very tough draw, very tough tournament with a lot of good players in the draw. And when I started the week, I was feeling good with the ball. I was enjoying practicing. I was playing match by match. And since the first moment of the tournament until the last point, I felt really good on the court.

Q. It's the first time in a row you win a tournament in January. Why are you so competitive at the beginning of the season?
ROBERTO BAUTISTA AGUT: Well, it's good time for me after being fresh, after being home two months. And I think I did well preparation. I work really hard at home. And I think also the conditions and the surface. It is good for my tennis and I think this is one of the reasons

Q. (Indecipherable).

THE MODERATOR: More questions in English before we switch to Spanish.

Q. You beat Djokovic here, how do you see your chances in Melbourne?
ROBERTO BAUTISTA AGUT: Still one week to come, but now I want to enjoy the week. I think it was one of my best matches on the tour. Yesterday, I played really good tennis against Novak. And, well, I want to recover my body, I want to be fresh in Melbourne and try to win as much as I can.

Q. You will play Auckland next week?
ROBERTO BAUTISTA AGUT: Well, I have to fly there and I will see how I feel, how is my body, how is everything.

Q. Next year at the same period of the year, there will be the ATP Cup and you always come here to Doha, mainly often come here to Doha, so can we count on you that you will be here or maybe you will be taking part in the ATP Cup?
ROBERTO BAUTISTA AGUT: Well, I still develop the schedule for next year. I don't know how it is going to be. But, of course, I really like this tournament, I really feel very good here on the court and I will like to come many times as possible.

(Questions in Spanish).

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