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September 2, 1995
Q. Is your knee strong enough to last two weeks here?
MONICA SELES: I hope so. I think so. As many matches I'd need to right now -- it is
going to be test for it through the next match. I think I will go from there on. I am not
going to look too far down, keep doing what I am doing and hope and go --
Q. You mentioned a few times that Anke gave you the toughest match so far in the
comeback, how do you feel about facing her again?
MONICA SELES: I will -- definitely a tough match. I am sure we are going to hit
bazooka's out there, and going to have to play some great tennis and it will be fun. We
played a great match ten days, two weeks ago probably to date, and I am sure it will be
another great match.
Q. This is the first match we have seen you with a brace on the knee. Does that
indicate that the condition has worsened or is it just a precautionary measure on your
MONICA SELES: I just wanted to -- I felt this morning and yesterday was a little bit
more sore, and especially in the wide shots. And my dad said that she is going to play a
lot of crosscourt, like short angles, and I said -- and it wasn't the best, so I decided
to put it on. And for me, when I play with the knee brace, it takes the pain away because
I put my patella way inside where it should be without pain, but I feel my mobility is not
so good. So today I wanted to test it; how could I play a match with it. But it is just,
for me, I might just wear it because I don't want it to get any worse. Just try to keep
doing what I have been doing up 'til now.
Q. You have worn this before in practice?
MONICA SELES: Yes, pretty much practice all the time with it on, or another brown one.
Q. Is the prognosis surgery perhaps after the season?
MONICA SELES: I don't think so. I think it is just going to be rest. Although, the
thing is I have rested it so much after it happened that I rested almost two weeks after
Atlantic City, I mean, I didn't play until Monday -- I mean, the Friday after Toronto, but
as soon as I start playing on it, it keeps coming back, so... But Dr. Steadman said when I
saw him about a month and a half ago, that he doesn't think so. We will just see whatever
after the Open is finished or after I lose.
Q. Does that make it easier or harder playing the first player you played before?
MONICA SELES: I think it is different because it is a Grand Slam, and it doesn't make a
difference or not because that was that time, that place and this is here, and it is very
different, but I do know that Anke hits very hard both sides. She is moving very good, and
she is staying very low, and I think she is playing some great tennis and we see that.
So... It is going to be very hard-hitting tennis match, that, I know, for sure.
Q. How would you evaluate your game between three years ago and now?
MONICA SELES: I feel my serve has gotten stronger. Maybe it is not as consistent as
beforehand, but I am going for a lot of more bigger first serves, so I have on and off
days. Probably, my movement was a little bit better, I think, in the past, and I
definitely had more of a matchplay - and I was going more for my shots and now I think a
few of my matches here, I have been a little bit playing some points too cautiously, and
that I could -- just played one or two great shots, averagewise a little bit too much on
the defense, not on the offense.
Q. Is it easier for you maybe to use the one-hand forehand, sort of cut down on having
to get into position, to work the knee maybe take a break on the knee?
MONICA SELES: In practice I did that often, and I wish I had the confidence to do that
in a match, but of course, because it's a match I go through the volleying; I will not do
it. But I do feel if somebody stretches me out wide, I feel very comfortable hitting the
one-handed shot, but just to hit it all the time, I wouldn't have the confidence yet.
Q. Really something you can't do out there?
MONICA SELES: I practice it a lot, and I feel very comfortable, and I pass quite a few
players with my one-hander. But I only use it when I know it is my last thing, last thing
for me to be able to do. But I do practice it and I do love to hit one-handed forehand and
my one-handed, the right hand also.
Q. When you decided to return, did you have any idea that things would come to you as
easily as they have, and is there anything surprising about the way things have gone so
MONICA SELES: I mean, I really don't think things have come easy to me. That is the
only one I wouldn't agree. But I was very surprised by Toronto, but my theories, I go into
every match not thinking I am going to win it or lose it, but actually just playing the
match. And I made the better one come out that day, so that is my -- but definitely after
Toronto, I was very surprised. Here, I played, you know not that tough of matches, so it
is really, -- not that I expect to win, beat these players, but I expect to do well
against players maybe ranked 100 or whatever, but I am sure now every match is going to --
my next match is going to be a lot tougher.
Q. Anything that is more difficult than you might have anticipated?
MONICA SELES: Oh, see, when I decide I am going to come back and when it came down to
after Atlantic City and everything, I didn't put any prethoughts that this is how it is
going to be or this is how I am going to feel. I just said, hey, go into it and see how it
feels; don't put any thoughts into your mind it is going to be great or it is going to be
bad; go into it with an open mind and see how it goes day by day. That is what I have been
trying to do, so I am not thinking too much in the future or did I do something wrong or
right, but just living at the present of it.
Q. With your results now, it seems likely that you might get a direct entry into the
WTA Championships at the end of the season. If not, they have already told you they are
going to give you a wildcard. I'd like to know how you feel about that them giving you the
wild card; also how concerned you are about the fact that you if you use it you will be
bumping out the girl who has made it into 16?
MONICA SELES: Well, first of all, I mean, oh, it was very nice that they gave me a
wildcard. That is very nice of them. I always Love to play the Championships. Secondly, I
don't know if I am going to play at the Championship. It is so far down the road; for me
to look right now, I am just concentrating on this one and trying to take it one thing at
a time. But it depends a lot how I would do well here because I might not even need a
wildcard really point wise, so I think that is premature for me to say one things or the
other, but I read that I bumped Chanda Rubin here. I kind of felt, you know, everybody has
been bumped, really, except one, but that I mean, that wasn't my choice. That way, it's
fine, so...
Q. Are you glad that you are going to try to do something to --
MONICA SELES: It was very nice of them.
Q. -- for that girl?
MONICA SELES: When they decided to give me the special ranking and everything, but I
think the special ranking, all those things, probably wouldn't have happened without
Martina's help because she was the one that was behind it.
Q. If you bump somebody at the Championships they are probably going to do something
for that girl whether it is first round prize money or whatever?
MONICA SELES: Oh, yes, definitely, oh, yes because she definitely deserves that. There
is no question there.
Q. Monica, couple of people have said that with all of Steffi's problems last several
months that she needs this win more than you do. Could you comment on that and do either
or both of you need to win?
MONICA SELES: Well, I think Steffi's problems are very different. I think those are
taxes, and mine was stabbing, so I can't think of them the same way, and I think both of
us are going to play the best that we can, and whoever wins it deserves to win it. I don't
think -- I mean, I hope Steffi's life doesn't depend on winning the U.S. Open. Mine
certainly doesn't. I am sure hers doesn't either, but we both would like to win it because
I am sure we both like to play tennis; otherwise, we wouldn't be here.
Q. Anke gave you the toughest fight since your comeback. Now you are playing her again.
What are you expecting?
MONICA SELES: I expect a very tough match. I saw it in Toronto. I like Anke as a person
also. She is a very nice person, so I am going to go into the match just playing some
great tennis and I am sure we will hit the ball very hard. Both of us are very hard
hitters. Both of us are very good from the back and we will just have a great match,
Q. Monica, do you feel like if you play your best right now, you will be the main
player in the draw or there are a few players that you are nervous about?
MONICA SELES: I think if I would play like that, like I play in practice, I would be
very happy, but it is going to take a while for me to feel that comfortable in a match;
and really put my shots and my strokes onto the other player. But I am a player and I
always been a player that doesn't look that way. Just take match at a time and whoever I
play, I really -- that is -- I feel so comfortable doing that and I don't want to change
Q. Monica, you talked about feeling comfortable as a player. How comfortable have you
become in the surroundings?
MONICA SELES: Very comfortable. It feels great -- I still -- today, also, I still
marvel that I am actually here and when I have some points to think about when I am up
4-1, my concentration goes, and like before I used to play the Open, I really didn't even
know that it was so noisy and so many things are going on. Now I am much more aware of the
surroundings. I think it is good. And I feel very comfortable. When I am signing
autographs, they are all meaning very well. Wherever we go - in the streets of New York,
everywhere everybody is so nice that I feel great.
Q. How does it feel for the last two years people haven't been commenting on your
shopping trips; clothing --
MONICA SELES: Well, I didn't buy anything, no shopping trips.
Q. How does it feel to be back in that spotlight and commenting on all these aspects of
your life?
MONICA SELES: For me, what happened there at Barneys, I felt I -- that was kind of the
thing I really thought, to me, stays with you. But that is, I think, normal. As soon as
you are a top player they do that, and it is fun. It doesn't -- either way it is great as
long as I am having fun and having a great time and really, I mean, I am very surprised by
the reception that I received. Not on the tennis court, but just wherever we go; whether
it be a restaurant or walking down the street and that, to me, is quite most amazing
thing. I never thought that I could go into New York and get all these people like just
walking down the street stopping me or saying things to me. That, to me, I never expected
that at all. That, to me, is the biggest surprise of this all.
Q. Monica, how much input do you have into what you are wearing for Nike? Do they
decide everything or consult you?
MONICA SELES: I definitely, definitely consult. We just -- I just signed with them very
recently, and I was with them when you first actually played my first kind of a pro
whatever -- amateur debut, sorry, and I just like them a lot. I mean, I think they are
going to do a lot of fun stuff and we did this commercial with Nike last Friday and I had
a great time. They are just a great company and they are really nice. They are like --
they like you as a human being also, and so I am just -- I mean, I am ecstatic with being
with them. I love it. So... It is going to be fun, but I do definitely have input because
it is so new that we never didn't have that much of a chance yet to design the new things,
but I love the thing that I am wearing out right now. I mean, you can just wear it with T.
Shirts anywhere, I like it. I wish I could wear more of the black one during the day, but
I think it is just too hot for it.
End of FastScripts...