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October 11, 2018

Joakim Lagergren

Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Q. Joakim, a bit of a rocky start, but after the sixth you made it look pretty easy out there.
JOAKIM LAGERGREN: Well, I think I was hitting it all over the place the first four. The first four holes are really tough, as well, but from there it was really good.

Q. What switched for you?
JOAKIM LAGERGREN: I don't know. I mean, I was kind of wide off the tee the first few holes there, and then I just found the middle after that. You get a lot of chances on this course if you're on the fairway.

Q. How did you enjoy this test of golf here at Walton Heath?
JOAKIM LAGERGREN: Yeah, it's a really good test. You really need to be straight off the tee to be able to make some birdies out there.

Q. Leading up to this tournament, how would you reflect on your golf heading into the British Masters?
JOAKIM LAGERGREN: It hasn't been great lately, unfortunately. I've been struggling lately with my swing. But couldn't really see this coming, either. You never know what it's going to come. That's just golf, I guess. But it's really nice to be back playing good golf.

Q. Did anything change for you after you won?
JOAKIM LAGERGREN: No, not really. Just keep playing good golf.

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