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September 28, 2018
Beijing, China
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. You are world No. 1, and I saw you were made honorary citizen of the year in Bucharest. How does that feel to you?
SIMONA HALEP: It's been a great year. I feel really pleased with what I've done. To be No. 1 in the world means something special. Also to win a Grand Slam is even more special for me. I try just enjoy this moment.
Back home I have a big crowd every time I go somewhere. I share with them the happiness of being here. I feel that they give me a lot of positive energy.
Q. How is your back after the match in Wuhan earlier this week?
SIMONA HALEP: It's much better than that day, but still sore. I try just to do as many as I can treatments because it's really important. So I feel better. Hopefully tomorrow I will be really good.
Q. As mentioned earlier, you are ranked No. 1 in the world. On the heels of the US Open, what is your mindset coming into this tournament?
SIMONA HALEP: Well, I worked at home really hard at the US Open. I was really upset I lost in first round again, two years in a row. That's life, I have to accept. I work hard. I was really motivated coming here. Just two days before the tournament, my back was locked up, so I was a little bit frustrated about this.
But I cannot change things like this because we cannot control. Here, I'm coming still positive. I'm trying to recover very well, just to be able to play at the highest level and try to win some matches.
Q. Last year at the China Open is when you initially reached world No. 1. How are you feeling coming into this year?
SIMONA HALEP: Well, this tournament, it's really beautiful for me because, as you said, here I got the No. 1. It's great. The court is beautiful. The conditions are great. So people are looking after us so well. I feel good. I'm happy that I can be back here.
Q. You took the train from Wuhan. What is your feeling about the train?
SIMONA HALEP: It's very fast (laughter). 300 something kilometers an hour, really fast.
Q. Is that your first time?
SIMONA HALEP: No, two years ago I went on the train.
Q. Is there anything specifically since the US Open that you've been working on with your game to improve?
SIMONA HALEP: Well, I wanted to work on everything, not like last year. This time I was working with everything. I want just to become stronger with forehand, backhand, also at the net. So I've been working with everything.
I feel that it worked. But now to be at the highest level of my physical stuff, but I'm pretty confident that I have another chance to finish this year strong.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
