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September 6, 2018
New York, NY, USA
S. WILLIAMS/A. Sevastova
6-3, 6-0
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Considering what you've done in this past year, your coming back, it is remarkable. Talk about your journey.
SERENA WILLIAMS: Honestly, it is remarkable. I couldn't have predicted this at all. Just been working really hard. Like I said, this is just the beginning of my return. I'm still on the way up. There's still much more that I plan on doing. You don't reach your best a couple months in. That's kind of where I am now.
I just feel like there's a lot of growth to still go in my game. That's actually the most exciting part.
Q. Talk about the way you turned things around tonight.
SERENA WILLIAMS: I knew playing against her, I felt like, you know, I needed to get to the net a little bit more. I know how to play at the net. I have great volleys, or else I wouldn't have won so many Grand Slam doubles title. I know how to do it. It's just the fact of turning it on and actually doing it.
Somehow it worked tonight. I actually did it. I've been training on it, practicing it, and it came together.
Q. You've known Tiger Woods for a long time. What is your impression of his run of dominance, and how proud are you of the body of work you put together in relation to that, even though it's a different sport?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I feel like he is on his way back. He's been coming back from all his back issues. It's been a disaster. But, boy, he never gave up. It's inspiring, actually. I don't think a lot of people really know how bad it was. I'm not at liberty to talk about it.
But it definitely makes me realize that, okay, we are definitely going to be -- I can definitely do my best if he can, too, yeah.
Q. It's been a couple years since you made it into this final again. How long have you wanted to be back on that stage here at the US Open?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I obviously wanted to be back to the final a couple years ago, but it wasn't meant to be. I just have to take it one step at a time, do the best that I can.
Q. You'll face two players who have spoken so much about how highly they think of you. Do you remember if you're playing with someone you admire, does it mess with your mind a little bit, or is there an advantage because they hold you in such high regard?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't know. I feel like they definitely have a lot of respect for me. I have the same respect. However, these young ladies have been playing way longer consistently, so I just feel like they're at a little bit of an advantage. But I have an advantage of I have nothing to lose.
I'm going to go out there and do what I can.
Q. On court afterwards, understandably an emotional moment, seemed like you were holding back tears for a moment. Was that the case? If so, why?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I got a little emotional out there because last year I was literally fighting for my life in the hospital. I think I was on my fourth surgery by now. What is today? I was on my third surgery. I had one more to go still.
To come from that, in the hospital bed, not being able to move and walk and do anything, now only a year later, I'm not training, but I'm actually in these finals, in two in a row. Like I said, this is the beginning. I'm not there yet. I'm on the climb still.
I just feel like not only is my future bright, even though I'm not a spring chicken, but I still have a very, very bright future (laughter). That is super exciting for me.
Q. How far are you from what you think is your best percentage-wise?
SERENA WILLIAMS: It's a very difficult question because I feel like -- I don't know. I don't know. I really don't know. 50, 60. I don't know.
Q. We made a big deal a couple years ago about the SABR, sneak attack by Roger. Is this now the sneak attack by Serena, the SABS?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Coming to the net?
Q. Yes.
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't know. I've been practicing that. I think it just depends. This particular player I felt like I needed to come in more. For me, I need to maybe do little things different for each player.
I felt like I've lost a lot of matches against players like this. Not a lot, but I've lost some. I want to see what I can do better to win matches against players that get a lot of balls back. Keep trying to improve.
Q. Naomi and other players have spoken about idolizing you and learning from you. What do you consider the most important aspects of the example you've set as a competitor?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't know. I'm still in it myself. I feel like there's so many examples that I try to set, but I'm still trying to set examples. I'm still learning, too. I'm still in this learning process of how to be better, just continue to just be positive.
Q. How would you describe to a young player who is trying to learn from you your commitment to winning and your will to succeed?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Honestly, I don't think now is the best time to describe that because I'm still in the tournament.
Q. You have played both Naomi and Madison, Naomi more recently. Since we do not know who you're playing next, would you mind explaining specifically the challenges that both of those individuals present.
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, they both play really good. I lost to Naomi last time we played, but I definitely wasn't at my best. Again, I'm still in that climb.
Madison, such a good player. I have a lot of respect for her, as well, so...
Q. I think one of the weird things about pregnancy is how much it can make your body feel unfamiliar to you. Do you feel like your normal self again? If so, was there a moment when that sort of clicked for you?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, yeah, no, I totally understand what you're saying. Going back to the other question, I definitely don't feel myself yet. I'm definitely not there. I don't feel like me.
I think it takes time. My mom said it takes, like, a full year to kind of get back. I'm at a full year now. But I'm also playing a sport professionally. The emotions and expectations and all the other stuff that you add on top of it, it's a lot, you know.
I just feel like I'm definitely not there. Even my body is different. Like, I actually weigh less than I did before I got pregnant, but it's distributed differently now.
Q. Welcome to our world.
SERENA WILLIAMS: Right (laughter)?
My stomach is a little bigger, but it's just so different, even though I'm less.
I'm still waiting to get to be the Serena that I was, and I don't know if I'll ever be that physically, emotionally, mentally. But I'm on my way. I feel like I still have a ways to go. Once I get there, I'll be able to play even hopefully better.
Q. (Question about playing Naomi in Miami early in Serena's comeback.)
SERENA WILLIAMS: What does it mean 'early in my comeback'?
Q. It was only your second tournament back.
Q. What do you make of that match in Miami, if anything?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, it was good that I played her because I kind of know how she plays now. I mean, I was breast-feeding at the time, so it was a totally different situation. It was what it was. I mean, hopefully I won't play like that again. I can only go up from that match.
Q. What have you made of Madison's rise up through the ranks?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I just feel like Madison continues to fight no matter what. I feel like she's just such a good girl. You can only root for Madison, to be honest.
Q. Can you talk a little bit about what historically looms about the 24 titles, if you get there, tying it, what that would mean to you.
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't know. It's hard to say because I had an opportunity to do that this summer, and it didn't happen, so...
I'm just going to keep trying. If it doesn't happen, I'll keep trying for the next one.
Q. In a match that begins like tonight when you're in an early deficit, you're calm and composed. Are you sort of feeling out your opponent? Is there any part of you that worries it might not be your night? Are you just getting a sense of where you are, what the margins are out there?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I mean, it's a different opponent. Like, I don't play opponents like her every day. I usually play players that hit really, really hard, very different. So I really had to kind of feel her out early on, then try to make the best of it.
Q. You've said you feel like there's still a way to go yet in your development on your return. Do you have a timeframe in mind of how long you want to keep playing from here?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Keep playing?
Q. Yes.
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't think about that. One day I'll wake up and know.
Q. (Question regarding telling Olivia about Serena's accomplishments.)
SERENA WILLIAMS: That's just going to be a bridge I cross when I get there because I'm still in a bubble. I don't really look back at a lot of my achievements. I don't have my trophies everywhere around my house. In fact, I have one, and it's in her room.
When we get there, I'll definitely cross that bridge.
THE MODERATOR: We're going to go to our kidcasters for the final questions.
Q. Congratulations on your match tonight, Serena.
Q. After today's win, would you say that GOAT is your favorite animal? Today you said this is just the beginning. What does 'greatest of all time' mean to you right now?
SERENA WILLIAMS: After today's win, I would say my favorite animal is either a dog or a tiger. It's always been that. I love dogs because I always have dogs. But I like tigers because they, like, fight, they're tenacious and they're beautiful and they're majestic. They're still my favorite animals.
After tonight, I would say that the word 'GOAT' means a lot to me. They've been using it a lot with me and Roger, Rafa, a lot of people. I'm just happy to be a part of the conversation.
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